the cruise

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On a ship

There was ayanokouji with satou, matshusita and mori.

They were just eating and talking.

Ayanokouji did not know why they needed to go but he decided to go outside.

" I want to go outside."

" can we come too " 

I didn't really care so i nodded. 

we went outside where we saw Sudou, Ike and Yamauchi talking together. I went up to them as i had talked to them a few times. 

" hi there "

" oh if it isn't ayanokouji "

Sudou called out to me Ike just waved while yamauchi glared at me.

Ike seemed to have noticed

" yamauchi why are you glaring at ayanokouji "

" look at him he has three girls following him "

" It's just a kid man " 

" I guess your right " 

I walked past them but yamauchi stopped me. 

" Ayanokouji can you talk to me later " 

I nodded and left with the girls. 

We later went and checked out the faculties then we went to sleep but then i remembered  what yamauchi called for me.

I opened my phone and then texted him.

Are you still awake.

Immediately before I could ask him to call me he called me.

I didn't know he had that good of intuition I could say it is on par with me when I was 4. I thought he was dumbber than that. I may underestimated him.

" ayanokouji is that you "

" yes "

" I have an important job for you "The 

He said it drastically which made me fell uncomfortable for some unknown reason.

" I have suffered from the hands of unfair judgment from the females from our class "

" I am sorry " 

I did not know why he was telling me this. 

" I have a top secret mission for you "

" you see since you are a kid nobody will be mad at you at anything you do "

I understood what he said.

 " I need you to record girls changing and then send it to me. "

I understood what he said. 

It was not a bad idea, yamauchi will be the one punished while i get to fulfill my curiosity.

" I can get it done "

" Thank you ayanokouji. get it fast "

I nodded i needed to first find a victim. 

I needed someone who is smart enough to know i had a phone.

I then heard my phone ringing. 

" Hello " 

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