Chapter 5: Unwanted Visitors

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"Why's everyone empty handed!?" Nobara asked in surprise looking at the other first and second years who were waiting for her. "Counter question, why do you have a duffle bag?" Panda asked the question that everyone else had in mind, "Why? Aren't we going to Kyoto?" the first year asked making everyone look at her in confusion. "We have the event at the school that won the previous year and thanks to Yuta we have a complete victory last year." The cursed corpse explained making Nobara fall to her knees, "Damn you Okkotsu senpai!!" Magumi sighed and looked around in annoyance, "He's late." He said cussing under his breath to which Maki chuckled at, "I'm sure the idiot will get here before we start or else there's going to be hell to pay." The second year said cracking her knuckles with a dangerous aura around her.

A minute later Maki noticed a group coming, "Hey, they're here." She caught her comrades attention making them look at the Kyoto group. Instantly Nobara turned serious, "Give me Kashiori, Yatsuhashi Kuzuriki and Sobabouro." "Salmon Sushi." She and Inumaki demanded making the Kyoto team sweat drop, "Are you guys hungry or something?" Todo asked confused. "Isn't two first years too much of a handicap?" Mekamaru commented looking at the Tokyo team, "Age is not important in the world of Jujutsu." Noritoshi told the robot. "Okay stop it, no fighting." Kyotos teacher, Utahime, told them as she walked up the stairs. "So, where's the moron?" she asked looking around for the Tokyo teacher.

Everyone heard a familiar chuckle as said man appeared in the middle rubbing the back of his head, "Sorry for the wait." "Tch, Satoru Gojo." Utahime spat, glaring at her old schoolmate. The man ignored her and looked around at everyone, "Seems like everyone is here. You see I was overseas so I had to-." The man started explaining as to why he was late but Maki stopped him, "Shut up. Where's the idiot, Moron?" Gojo grabbed his chest where his heart was and acted hurt, "To call your beloved teacher a moron, Maki I'm hurt." He wiped a fake tear away which made the girl scoff and roll her eyes.

"As for your question, his walking up right as we speak." The teacher added right as the people started hearing footsteps coming from the stair, as they grew closer a sudden wave of cursed energy washed over the students making their eyes widen in shock, those weaker of the bunch buckling under the pressure. Moments later Yuji stood on top of the stairs, his cursed energy flowing off him like a raging fire, making many look at him in awe and others in fear. The boy lowered his sunglasses and grinned at his friends, "Hey guys, missed me?"

Utahime looked at the new arrival in interest because the sunglasses he wore looked the exact same as the one Gojo wore during his school years, Yuji walked towards his group and dodges a kick sent to him from Maki, "Wow Maki senpai, what was that for?" he asked before dodging a couple more attacked, "Tch, why are you late? And why do you have sunglasses on?" Maki asked after a while crossing her arms over her chest. Yuji chuckled and rubbed the side of his head, "Me and sensei went to Greece and kinda lost track of time. As for these, its pretty much the middle of summer there so I had to block out the sun 24/7. Plus, these things are pretty special ya know." He explained as he took them off and looked down at them a memory flashing before he threw them in the air and let them fall back in place on his face.

"You went to Greece!?" Nobara shouted in shock and jealousy, "And Ireland." He added making the girls jealousy grow, "While we were training our asses off, you went on a vacation in Greece and Ireland!?" his peer shouted annoyed as she grabbed his shirt and started shaking him back and forth as he chuckled nervously, "It's not exactly like that Nobara." He tried to explain but the girl didn't listen. After she calmed down the Tokyo team walked into a building and started talking about their battle plan.

"If I'm right Todo is going to come straight for us and Mai might come along to want to deal with me. Todo is a monster and can pretty much take us all on so we can leave one person to slow him down, Panda or Megumi are good candidates." Maki started explaining with stroking her chin looking over at everyone, "I'll take him and I'll make sure to win." Yuji chimed in making everyone look at him surprised, "Aren't you being to over confident? Can you really back up your words?" the second year asked to which the boy placed his hands behind his head and fell back on his back, his glasses moving to over his forehead "Don't you worry Maki. As I am now, no one in this event can defeat me." He glanced over to the second year and flashed a confident grin. Maki smiled and shook her head before punching Yuji in the stomach, "Add senpai to my name, first year."

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