Chapter 7: Shibuya Part 1

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"Uh excuse me." Nobara stopped in her tracks and looked behind her to see a girl who had called out to her, "Was that Itadori with you earlier?" she asked leaving the sorcerer confused. Minutes later the two girls sat in a cafe as the stranger whose name was Yuko Ozawa handed Nobara a picture, "That's me at my Junior High graduation." Ozawa said as the sorcerer looked back and forth at the picture and the girl, God smacked at how much she had changed since then. The girl noticed a mob of pink hair and saw Yuji standing next to Ozawa in the picture, "Yuji!?" she said surprised. "On graduation I was able to ask him to take a picture with me. I wanted to ask for his contact info but I had to move to Tokyo so I ended up chickening out. But when I saw him earlier, I thought that today I could ya know." Ozawa explained making her peer look at her in a cold sweat, "You mean, its like that?" she asked seriously getting a nod.

Thinking quickly, the girl pulled out her phone and Ijichi and asked him to drop Megumi outside the café, "Alright my friend is on his way. He knows Yuji better than me so we can see what he has to say about him." Nobara explained, "Do you happen to like-." "I'd rather die." Ozawa tried to ask but was quickly cut off by the sorcerer, although she felt her heart skip a beat. "Hey Nobara. You better have a good reason to drag me all the way here." Megumi asked his friend as he stopped at their table. "Megumi, does Yuji have a girlfriend?" the girl quickly asked leaving the boy confused so she explained the situation, "So its like that?" he asked breaking into a cold sweat as he got a nod.

Sighing he ordered a coffee and sat down next to Nobara, "I don't think he has one..." The boy thought about it more before remembering something, "Wait, isn't he dating Maki senpai?" he suddenly said looking over at his friend leaving the two girls shocked, "What!? Maki didn't say anything about that!!" Nobara contested while Ozawa started muttering to herself with a depressed cloud above her head. "I mean they're always together even when they're not training and sparring. And to me, it looks like they have that relationship chemistry between then." Megumi shrugged as his friend pulled on her hair in shock and frustration, "B-but Maki didn't tell me anything about that. And she doesn't even like guys like Yuji." The female sorcerer tried to counter, "I mean she can't just tell you every aspect of her life. Did she directly tell you that she doesn't like guys like Yuji?" "Uh well-." "So, no you haven't asked her and just presuming she doesn't like guys like him."

Nobara huffed in defeat and looked down at her drink, Megumi looked at the down girls before sighing, "But I'm one to talk since I also haven't really asked Yuji about his relationship status, so don't take me saying that the two are dating as a fact. You might still have a chance, plus I heard him say he likes tall girls." The boy added drinking his coffee making both girls instantly brighten up and cheered before Nobara texted Yuji to come by. Just a minute later the boy of the hour was standing before the three, his sunglasses beaming as he smiled, "Hey Nobara- woah Megumi, what're you doing here?" Yuji asked as the boys went into a small discussion about the stuff the former had on him.

"Wait, I didn't tell him about Yuko yet!" Nobara panicked and tried to reintroduce the two when Yuji turned to his old classmate, "Hm? Oh Ozawa, how're you doing?" the boy greeted making the girl's eyes water while his friends gave him a rating of 10. The four took the rest of the day to talk and hangout before Ozawa had to go home, "See ya Ozawa!" Yuji waved as his friend group walked to where Ijichi was but something bugged Nobara as they walked. She soon stopped making the boys look at her confused, "Yuji." She called out making the boy raise an eyebrow as she looked straight into his eyes, "Do you like Maki?" "Of cause, I do." Yuji answered with a tilt of his head.


"Gojo informed you all about the mole, right?" Utahime asked the Tokyo first years who nodded as they walked through an underground parking lot, "We believe that there at least two people feeding information to the cursed spirits. One has to be highly ranked so we can't do anything about them but the other one who's feeding info to that higher up is the one were going after today. His still under suspicion so after apprehension, we meet to conduct an interrogation." The teacher explained looking down which the students caught, "He's from Kyoto isn't he?" Nobara asked making the teacher look even more strained, "The mole is Kokichi Muta but you know him as Mechamaru." Utahime said now going down a stairway. "He's down here." The teacher said opening a door when they reached the bottom.

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