Chapter 9: Shibuya Part 3

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Yuji dropped down the hole he blasted Jogo from going back into the station before going in further, he reached the lower floor where he was met with about 60ish transfigured humans. He summoned the Soul Splitting Katana and started killing them when he noticed something about his psyche, "...It's getting easier for me to kill them... I'm slowly feeling less and less guilt with each one..." he shook the thought away as he finished off the last monster, he looked around for any more when suddenly his senses told him to dodge which he followed as Mahito ran past him, "Mahito..." Yuji growled while the curse smirked, "Yuji Itadori, long time no see." The sorcerer ran at his enemy who shot a transfigured human at him as it expended and tried stabbing him but he dodged to the side and cut the monster in two.

"Soul Multiplicity: Body Repel." Mahito said combining two opposite souls before launching it at the sorcerer as it formed a large mouth, Yuji ran at it and swagged to the side before stabbing weapon at it's side and dragging it along as he approached where the curse was. When he got there he found no one, Mahito burst out of the monster's corpse turning his hand into a sword and swung it at the boy who was caught by surprise as it dug into Yuji's right cheek going upwards. The boy leaned back as it cut up destroying his sunglasses and his right eye but avoiding any other damage before jumping back, Mahito ran towards the boy from his right side which was momentarily his blindside as he punched the sorcerer back.

Yuji landed and snapped his broken nose in place before he healed his injuries but a vertical scar going down his right eye to his cheek remained, "How can you play with so many people's lives!?" The sorcerer asked enraged making the curse laugh hysterically, "Would you prefer that I contemplate all the reasons for messing with their lives and look remorseful the next time I kill someone? I'll make sure to do that." Mahito smirked and turned his hand into Junpei's head, "Here's a simple answer since you're a simple guy, Yuji Itadori... You are me." He added piercing his finger through 'Junpei's' head. This made the boy more enraged as he glared deadly at the curse, "Wow there, no need to be upset. I'm just a curse talking whatever but... Until you accept that fact, you'll never be able to defeat me." The curse said placing his hand on his heart.

"Talking nonsense until the end huh? I'll make sure those are your last words." The boy said getting into a low kenjutsu stance, Mahito gathered cursed energy in his fists and also got into a stance. In a second, the curse sent a fist straight for Yuji's heart which was swiftly cut in half before getting stabbed in the stomach as the sword exploded blowing the curse's lower into pieces. Yuji came through the smoke holding Playful Cloud and hit Mahito through a pillar, "Good, show me more Yuji Itadori." The curse said his lower half regenerated, he smirked as he turned his arm into a spiked whip. The two went into an exchange of blow as they ran through the station, the curse shot two transfigured humans at the boy who swatted them away.

The sorcerer saw Mahito go through a gate and disappear, cussing under his breath he ran after him only to be met with two people, "Hey kid, what are you doing here? It's not safe." One man said as the boy approached them before grabbing the man's shirt and throwing him away as a large fist burst out of the second man's mouth and swung at the sorcerer who dodged and stared as Mahito climbed out the human body suit. "Mother fucker!" Yuji shouted as he ran at the curse who grinned and laughed as they continued their fight but this time, Mahito killed any person they passed angering the boy more and more.

When the curse was about to attack a spike shot out of his body stopping him in his tracks, Yuji's eyes widened as he recognized it and smiled, "I almost forgot that I'm not facing this alone." The boy chuckled before grabbing the curse by the shirt and throwing him against a pillar before he started wailing at him, hitting multiple combos with his staff as Mahito's blood splattered around them. When he was about to hit the curse again, he spilt into multiple pieces and scattered while Yuji made some shurikens and threw them at the small Mahito's but they turned out to be all fake while the real one was running away with the sorcerer close behind.

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