Onset of Troubles

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Hola amigo!
Being very honest, I am not a professional writer and this is my very first work on wattpad. I don't know how i have love for writing,so basically doing just for fun.I don't know if it will meet  your expectations because I'm writing for the first time and can't guarantee you much but this story was kinda striking in my head...so I thought to give it a shot. Hope u guys will enjoy feeling this story...I mean my kinda stuff...
With love ❤️

With love ❤️ Ayushi                 Introduction

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 Mia salvatore

Female lead
Attractive, charming,impulsive, beautiful, pure hearted,who believes in doing things by heart,kind,hardworking, passionate and stubborn at times.
Work as professional surgeon
and specialized in martial arts

Age-26Work as professional surgeonand specialized in martial arts         

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             Antonio volvox

Male lead
Arrogant,charismatic,control freak,perfectionist, cold hearted,stubborn,domineering, intolerant,possessive,compulsive and had trust issues.
 crowned prince of volvox mafia family and specialized sharp shooter.


Episode :1

          Onset of Troubles

                Pov: Mia

I was living quite peaceful life for past few years in ,Toronto.working as doctor in hospital was kinda satisfying experience for me.l was living life to the fullest, helping others and spreading love.
Everything was going fine until I got the news of my father being injured in a skirmish. I left for Milan in haste.l didn't know but I had a gut feeling that something bad was going to happen and in a while I skipped to the part of my life which I had left behind for years since I hated it to that extent that I wanted to erase all of its memories but anyways I love my father like any normal daughter does.

l didn't know but I had a gut feeling that something bad was going to happen and in a while I skipped to the part of my life which I had left behind for years since I hated it to that extent that I wanted to erase all of its memories but anyways I...

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                 Lucifer Accardo

           As soon as i arrived at the airport in Milan , a man in black suit came to pick me up with his men in a luxury car and to my surprise he was none other than lucifer, so called right hand of my dad. I had heard about him several times but never met him.He was a man with calm voice and average height .He had got dark brown eyes and looked very skilled with sharp eyesight. He looked like a man in sorta late 20s with Attractive facial features.
            On our way to la' forte hospital, one of the leading hospitals of city, several group of men started chasing us in a black car.They opened fire upon us, lucifer fired back in answer. I was in shock for a moment like why these men are trying to shoot us?I said"um...what happened " in nervousness. It was all very sudden but lucifer tried to comfort me . we in someway able to get rid of them.As soon as I reached hospital I was emotionally devastated and anxious about the situation. My dad was struggling between life and death and even though I was his daughter  hardly do I  know about anything going on. Nothing was in my control, I was perplexed couldn't think of anything at that moment. I asked lucifer about the things going on but seeing my current state he told me to come down and go home to take rest for sometime. Although I didn't intend to go home but he convinced me.
When I reached home I had got a strange feeling I Don't know why? All my childhood memories were haunting me and I was feeling nostalgic at the same time. May be the city has changed a lot since the time but the house and specially my room is same since the time I left. My dad is the man of words and values. May his way could be wrong but I never seen him doing Injustice to anyone.Back to my childhood days I remember he had always been a loving father and supported me in everything. I could never think of him as a gangster until that day which changed our life forever but it couldn't change the fact that I love him. May be I seem cold towards you, dad but I love you very much... i said,and cried helplessly. I have no one in the world except you. I should have forgiven you earlier...and suddenly I got an anxiety attack and fainted .
After some time when I opened my eyes I realized that I am again getting those attacks so I took out anti depressant pills 💊 from my purse and taken it. After some time I was feeling comfortable so I went to take a shower and when I came to room I was tieing my bathrobe meanwhile I saw three missed calls on my phone from an unknown number. I was about to 
Call when someone was at my door and the bell rang...so I got down to hall through stairs. When I opened the door he was no one else but lucifer. I stammered "ll..lu..luc..if..er, why are you here? What happened!
Lucifer kept quiet for a while which was increasing my anxiety. I murmured, in low voice...what,what happened?And he said,"your dad is no more". I stumbled over the sofa and sat down in shock. I couldn't believe it...I yelled at him" you are lying...I want to talk to him...where is he...he couldn't leave me alone like this...I cried holding his collar slipping down to the floor. I yelled to the maximum limit and asked him  "who is he...who had done this to my dad..."
I had taken a resolution that day which perhaps had changed the path of my life forever...so let it be...

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