Unravelled Fate

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I was at my home wondering  about what next is going to happen in my life.For the past few months my life has really been unpredictable...messy and random at times...uh I really don't know. I was wishing for the best in future because i had nothing to lose.But there was something which was bothering me  which was the  thoughts of that mysterious man...Since the day I met him,I felt something for him. He was different in such way to others that I can't  explain ... I was unable to recall his name though I was trying hard...why I always end up
Colling with him...How can the sight of that person fill me with emotions nowhere...he is so mean but I was kinda attracted towards him...no one had ever talked to me like he does. Infact he is so authoritative but I like it...I had never felt these kind of emotions for anyone in my life...when he look with his dazzling blue eyes I feel drawn towards him...my heart throbs and I feel that sensation throughout my whole body.When he touched 
me to make me shut,I almost melted though I wasn't showing it but it is weird at the same time because we fight everytime we meet...even he had clearly
stated me that he don't like me...then I suddenly realised damn! What am I thinking? Have I lost my mind...he is such a jerk how can I like him. I think I am too tired today that's why thinking all the rubbish...I should take rest now. As soon as I was going to cover myself in blanket...the bell rang...I was too lazy
to open the door but what could I do? I had to. I thought I should have appointed a caretaker as it is difficult to manage the whole house alone but there are security issues...I think...that's why lucifer asked me to no hire anyone...I moved down to stairs and opened the door he was lucifer's assistant who asked me to get ready by 7 pm tomorrow
because we were celebrating. Ofcourse I replied in affirmative.Meanwhile my phone rang ohh...it was a call from lucifer...I received the call got into my bedroom...he was asking about the message which his assistant delivered...I said ya I am
coming so let's meet tomorrow and ended the call...so tomorrow is going to be hectic...I should take good sleep...ah...so I switch off the lights and went to sleep.

We were sitting in the lawn and trying to figure out our mistakes... I asked,"what do you think why had we lost that deal?" Ronaldo said,"May be because we were late."
I said,"No, because we misunderstood them as weak. We need to be ahead of them not only in presence but also in thinking." Ronaldo said,"you are right bro. We need to excel ourself. It is the first task we hadn't completed." I Said," I thought salvatores are finished after the death of Dominic salvatore but no who is leading them?"
Ronaldo said,"I guess it could be lucifer...ofc he was their right hand. "
I said,"you could possibly be right but he alone can't Handle it all. There must be someone helping him...find out?"
Ronaldo said,"yes boss".
Meanwhile my phone rang and it was none other than
my father. He must be disappointed with us ...I pick up the call...he just said,
I didn't expect this from you...it's  your look to find out how this mission failed...I was trying to show my concern by saying sorry but he said complete
Your task then come to me because sorry can't replenish our loss...remember it...who you are? And the call ended...it seemed like he was utterly disappointed...he talked less as usual. I knew that he is a kind of person who only values work and nothing...I never had a father-son relationship with him it was more like a soldier and commander...I try hard to please him but this time...Ronaldo knew everything so he tried to comfort me by changing the topic. He asked me not to get worry. For quite some time I had pain in my shoulders...so he asked me 
Is your shoulder pain hadn't gone? I told him that it was constantly troubling me I think I should get some proper massage...He laughingly said,"why not get married and get a permanent solution to this problem. I said, " you talk a lot of rubbish...huh...have u forgot we have lost...and you are constantly giggling...have u lost your mind. He said, "cmon bro don't be so serious...you look like a villian when u get angry."
I said," do you need to know how villians look like?...should I show you...huh."
He said jokingly, " I already know  but find me a sister in law...then we will make fun of you together."
I said, " I even can't manage u alone and someone like u not even in my dreams...
He said," Don't lie,you like me."And he took his keys and was going to leave meanwhile he again said in a serious sarcastic tone,"baby I can't be with you at night so u need someone to call you baby...and he ran as fast as he could...I threw a pillow on him from the sofa and said, 'get lost'.
He said, " Never mind my sweet darling just find me 
a sister in law."
After he went I was unable 
To sleep...my insomnia was getting deadly day by day and then I suddenly remembered that girl and our interactions...although we had met only twice...I was
instantly drawn towards her...she is so stupid at times but even daring. I had never seen a girl like her in my lifetime. I still remember when I covered her mouth,her hazel 
Brown eyes were staring me as if they were trying to speak something different from what she says with her mouth. I was mesmerized for a while they were beautiful...I wonder when will we meet next?why we always bump into each other and end up fighting? I wanted to know 
More about her...I wish I meet her again soon.

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