eight. strawberries and lilies

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"HE GOT YOU a motherfucking present?!"

Steven shrieks from behind the snack bar counter, drawing weird looks from our coworkers and others at the pool. Rolling my eyes, I shove his shoulder and send him a glare.

"Shut the fuck up, Conklin."

He shoves my shoulder right back.

"Dude, your plan is actually working," he says with a grin on his face. "He's going to fall for you in no time."

"Let's not get ahead of ourselves," I reply, not wanting to get my hopes up for nothing, though there's a huge smile on my face.

"But dead ass. Like when has he ever bought you a birthday present?"

I roll my eyes. "He didn't even know my birthday before last week. He didn't even know I was adopted."

Steven's eyes widen. "Wait. Seriously? I mean, not that it's a big deal, but I feel like most people know that, don't they?"

"Right?" My voice grows self-conscious. "Am I that insignificant to him?"

Steven's face softens as he places his hand on my shoulder. "Shut up. If you were really insignificant to him, he wouldn't have bought you your favorite painting."

I shrug. "He probably didn't know it was my favorite."

"So? He still got you something. And not just a plain old generic gift card. He got you something you actually like."

The reminder is like the warmth of the summer sun melting the ice that encases my stubborn, bleeding heart. Every little thing he does makes me fall for him harder and harder, and I'm torn between letting it happen and doing anything and everything possible to stop it.

"Anyway," I say, trying to change the subject before I dwell on these thoughts too deeply. "What's going on with you and Shayla?"

He blushes. His ears literally turn fucking red. A smirk touches my mouth as I smack his chest with the back of my hand.

"Steven Conklin red as a tomato over the mention of a girl. What has she done to you?"

He rolls his eyes, flipping me off. "Get lost, Cortez."

I laugh. "You'd miss me too much, Conklin."

He tries to glare at me but epically fails and starts grinning instead.

"God, I like her so much, Rosie."

I smile, ruffling his hair. He swats my hand away and goes to fix his messed up hair. I laugh at him.


He narrows his eyes. "Like you're one to talk, Miss Mastermind."


Steven's boss comes up behind him as we're laughing and tells him to get back to work. Snorting, I tell him I'll see him later and head back from my break.

As I'm walking toward the storage closet to get the rest of the boards out for the kids' swimming lesson happening soon, the knot in my shirt comes undone. It drops down to my mid-thighs. They seriously need to get their size chart checked out.

Stopping, I reach down to tie it back up around my waist. As I'm in the process of tying it, a shadow falls over me. Looking up, I see Jeremiah staring down at where my hands are tying the knot on my shirt to hold it up.

I finish up and then clear my throat. He looks up, blinking once.

"Andie told me to help you with the boards."

𝐌𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐃, jeremiah fisherWhere stories live. Discover now