sixteen. rapunzel, rapunzel

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I AM FREAKING the fuck out.

I have approximately twenty-eight minutes to figure out what the fuck I'm going to tell Jeremiah when we see each other at work. I was honestly debating calling out sick, but then I'd just be a pathetic loser who can't even clarify the intentions behind a kiss with her crush.

I'm not a pathetic loser. So that's why I've made my decision.

I'm going to confess to Jeremiah.

After that kiss, I'd be stupid not to. There's no way he doesn't know how I feel about him, and there's no way he doesn't feel something for me if he kissed me like that. Like he couldn't possibly get enough. Like he could kiss me for hours, days, months without ever getting tired. There's no way he'll want to stay friends after that.

He doesn't kiss all his friends, does he?

I shake my head. I need to stop overthinking and just ask him out. There's a chance he'll say no, but honestly, at this point, I just want to get it out there. Let him know the truth of how I'm feeling even if he doesn't feel the same.

Vanessa and Rey had very different opinions on the matter this morning when I told them. Van was ecstatic and told me to go for it while Rey looked all grumpy and skeptical of Jeremiah. But then again, he doesn't like anyone, so his opinion doesn't count.

Either way, I'm doing this. I'm finally going to tell Jeremiah how I feel and hope for the best.

When I walk toward the pool after changing into my work clothes, Jeremiah is nowhere to be found. I start looking around but then get distracted when a little girl asks me to help her fix her swim shorts.

After I'm done, she grins and thanks me before running off. A hand touches my shoulder, and for a second, I stupidly think it's Jeremiah.

"Rose," Steven's voice calls out.

I turn around to face him and smile. "Hey, Steven."

"I know looks can be deceiving."

I snort at the response. Glancing around one more time, I ask him, "Have you seen Jeremiah?"

He wiggles his eyebrows. "I think he's coming a little late today. He's helping Belly with something."


I try not to show my disappointment and instead clear my throat and look somewhere else.

"Well," I start. "I should probably get going—"

"Something happened between you two, didn't it."

It's not even a question.

My eyes widen for a slight second. I can't mask my expression quick enough.

He snaps his fingers and gapes at me. "Seriously, Rosie? And you didn't even tell me about it?! I'm your number one supporter!"

I sigh. "How did you even find out?"

"Jeremiah acted weird this morning when I mentioned your name."

"What? How? What did he say?"

Steven narrows his eyes at me. "He was talking about how we should all get up early someday to watch the sunrise, and I casually mentioned how much you like sunrises. He got all weird and awkward and just avoided talking about you."

I'm not sure if I should take that as a good thing or a bad thing.

The raven-haired boy in front of me flicks my forehead irritably. "Now tell me what the fuck happened."

I bite my lip. "We...kissed."

Steven lets out the loudest, most obnoxious screech known to humankind.

𝐌𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐃, jeremiah fisherWhere stories live. Discover now