nineteen. hold me without hurting me

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jeremiah's pov

MY HEAD IS pounding and my limbs are aching. It takes a while for me to open my eyes, the sudden light making my brain hurt even more. I'm trying to move when a soft snore reaches my ears. I freeze.

A head is resting on my bicep, dark curls scattered over the pillow, two arms wrapped around my torso. My free arm is resting underneath someone's shirt, on the bare skin of their back. I lean back to catch of glimpse of the girl sleeping in my arms.

Her dark pink lips are ever so slightly parted, and the sun floating in through the window makes her brown skin glow. I notice the dark freckle on the side of her nose for the first time. I'm suddenly aching to press my lips to it.

Slowly, reluctantly, I remove my arm from her back and raise it to her face. My thumb caresses her cheekbone softly. I brush away the hair from her face and trace her features with the pad of my thumb.

My heart melts at the sight of her. I'm so fucking stupid for never having noticed how beautiful she is until now.

My eyes trail down to her neck, the sight making my eyes widen. Hickeys line the side of her neck, small bruises from my mouth. She's going to be mad at me when she realizes it, but right now, I don't care. In this moment, it truly feels like she is mine and I am hers. I don't notice until that second how much I want her to do the same thing to me. Mark my collarbone and my lips with her kisses until I taste like her.

My mind sorts through the memories of last night. Seeing her with those red lips and that short skirt that made me want to go over to her and never let her go. Watching her dance with that asshole, Liam. Yes, I'm overreacting. No, he's not actually an asshole. In fact, he's a pretty decent guy.

But when I saw him with his hands on Autumn and saw her laughing at something he said, I wanted to punch his face in. I have never been more jealous than I was in that moment—not when I saw Belly with Cam, and not when I saw her with Conrad.

This was a feeling entirely separate from that.

When I kissed her neck, I was holding myself back. If we had both been sober, I'd have had her in the backseat of my car in the instant after seeing her at the party. If we had both been sober, last night would have ended a lot differently than it did.

I faintly remember calling an Uber back to her place, telling her I'd walk her in only for her to pull me into her room and plead with those gorgeous brown eyes for me to stay. And like a damn fool, I did. We collapsed onto her bed and just laughed while making jokes until we fell asleep.

And now, we're here. I'm holding her in my arms, and I don't ever want to let go. I don't ever want this moment to end.

But I feel it ending as she shifts on her bed. Her nose scrunches up in an adorable way as she starts to wake up. Her eyes flutter open, adjusting to the light and her surroundings. She meets my gaze. We stare at each other for a long moment, our eyes saying more than words ever could.

The corners of my mouth tug up as I drag my thumb over her cheek. A soft smile touches her lips, her arms tightening around my waist.

And that's when I know.

This girl is going to ruin me.

And I'm going to let her.

"Good morning," I say quietly, drinking her in like I'm parched.

"G'morning," she mumbles sleepily, snuggling deeper into my chest.

I chuckle softly. "Is my arm a good pillow?"

𝐌𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐃, jeremiah fisherWhere stories live. Discover now