❤️ Leaving ❤️

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*Amaya's POV*

A lot of things have happened the Sand and Sound attacked the Leaf, Lord 3rd was killed in the attack, and we got a new Hokage who is the granddaughter of the 1st Hokage, meaning she is a Senju. Okami has been grumbling non-stop about the Senju Hokage because she is a pain in the ass Senju Clan in Okami's words.

Kakashi- sensei had a run in with Itachi and Sasuke having heard about his brother nearby and after Naruto took off after them. Of course, I went after him but there wasn't much I could do since both Uchiha's gave me an order to not interfere so no matter how much I wanted too; I couldn't stop the brothers from fighting. In the end Itachi won and put Sasuke in a Tsukiyomi just like he did with Kakashi. Fortunately, I was able to break the genjutsu on both Sasuke and Kakashi-sensei.

Anyway, since that Senju became Hokage I have been confined to the village and banned from missions, much to pinkys delight, she claims it's because the teams are supposed to be only 1 jounin and 3 students. I let her believe what she wants if it makes her feel better about herself, but everyone knows it's because the Senju wants to keep an eye on me as she may not show it, but she is scared of what she doesn't know.

Every day I feel eyes on me from the Anbu that have assigned to watch me, and Sasuke has also begun to notice especially when we train together, I avoid using my sharingan and ninjutsu focusing only on Taijutsu since I believe the moment, I use a ninjutsu they'll captured me and lock me away. Fortunately, the only place they can't track me is in the Uchiha Compound due to the barrier, its painful being surrounded by the place that was once filled with my family is now an empty shell.

I have chosen to live in the house where my brother and I used to live as it's my home and it also wasn't touched by the massacre, although when Sasuke is in the village, I stay with him though.

Currently, I am sitting in a hospital room next to an injured Sasuke. Lately, every mission he goes on, he comes back injured and hospitalized. Sasuke is currently eating the tomato onigiri that I made for him while the pinkett is peeling apples trying to get Sasuke to eat it and not my 'disgusting' food. As much as I want to smack the ever-loving shit out of her, I know that the minute I do, I will be taken in by the Anbu since she became the Hokages favorite.

Naruto comes into the room, and it seems to have triggered something within Sasuke, 'this is gonna be troublesome.' Oh great, I'm starting to sound like a Nara.

Lately, while Squad 7 is away, Shikamaru has been keeping me company and even taught me how to play shogi. I know he is doing a mission for that Senju and I'm not gonna lie it hurts that his friendship isn't genuine, but I still have fun, since there's someone to talk to besides Sasuke.


We are currently on top of the roof of the hospital while Naruto and Sasuke prepare to fight that shows how evenly matched, they are then they both bring out their most powerful jutsu and it's obvious it's made to kill.

"STOOP!" I look over and see the pinkett run towards the two. It's obvious they can't stop themselves, and she's gonna get injured or die. The right thing to do would be to step in and stop everyone, but I'll be the one getting in trouble. And why wouldn't I let karma catch up to the pinkett.

Unfortunately, Kakashi-sensei appears and separates the 2 boys from injuring each other and the pinkett by sending them to different water towers. Kakashi-sensei lectures them about attacking each other, and Sasuke leaves, I would follow him, but he needs a few moments to calm down.

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