☆Chapter 5☆

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Luna/Theia/Earth's Moon POV:
We floated faster as we followed Vesta to another spot where we asked. I hope that Callisto, IO, and Triton are alright. After some seconds of Floating through below the belt, so we couldn't be seen by the other Moons, We finally reached the spot. "Here we are." Vesta panted. Earth approached Vesta to ask if she was okay because of the panting. Vesta replied yes she was just tired of floating faster. We stand by for a while in that also being prepared in case the Moons Find us again. I wonder what the Moons are up to again.

Callisto POV:
*at the Moons*
Oh no. We are surrounded. Then Europa came to ask about the whereabouts of Earth's Moon, their Asteroid friend, and Earth.
Of course, we hesitated, andIi also didn't know where they went. "Guys one more chance... Where are they." Ganymede spoke in an angry tone. Then again we hesitated lol.
Then I saw Titan looked below and saw them... oh no... Titan started to follow them without informing Europa and Ganymede + others. Is that a good thing or.... a bad thing? "You know if you don't answer I will-" I cut off Europa in finishing the sentence. "Throw some Asteroids at us? I like to see you try..." I smirked.
"No, what I meant you only," Europa smirked.
It left me in shock. Then IO instantly started to speak "U-Uh T-they m-might l-look f-for a-another s-pot in t-the b-belt? *cough*" Ugh... that better not be contagious and why did you UGH
Then Ganymede ordered some Moon to find them. Just why IO.

Titan POV:
I saw The Earth, Earth's Moon, and the other one floating under the belt... Did the Earth change so I have to follow them.  Without informing the Moons I secretly went down and followed them.
(Time skip because yes)
I saw them reached their destination. Then they started to chat while on the lookout. I guess now it is time for me to go in.

Luna/Theia/Earth's Moon:
We are in defensive mode because we saw something moving beyond the rocks. I stated, "Who are you..?" Then a Moon came... Titan.... I asserted "Titan what are u doing here."
"I just want to apologize for uh starting this revolution."
It left me surprised then I replied.
"You know that The Earth only hurt you with words not physically. Now will you stop this Revolution Titan?"
"I- I could but Europa and Ganymede..."
"Oh right..."
"Also Earth..."
The Earth answered. "Yes?"
"I forgive you..."
It left the Earth in tears "R-really?"
Aww, they are so cute- I mean it's nice.
Vesta then spoke, "So what do we do?"
I said, "I know this sounds risky but. We probably should wait for a Moon to see us."
Then they were in shock.
Vesta said, "M-Moon you know it would probably send all the moons in that revolution army thingy and throw asteroids right?"
"Yes I know, But if there are many Moons now. We could give them a speech right..?"
Vesta then replied "Still!"
I bravely answered, "If anything happened or backfired. Titan, you lead Earth out of here while I and Vesta fight them, or Callisto and IO might come, or even Triton."
"Okay..." they all replied.

Nobody POV:
Little did they know that a Moon already found them & eavesdropped on their plan.
They floated back to Ganymede and Europa. "Gaymeid i- I mean Ganymede and Europa I have found them and their plans."
Europa said, "Oh Mimas, that's great news!."
Then Mimas said, " Bad News, Titan seemed to be on their side by now."
"Ugh, Titan *sigh* so what is their plan." Chuckled Ganymede.
Then Mimas told Ganymede about their plan.
Ganymede: Moons! ASSEMBLE!
The moons move closer to Ganymede while Neptune's Moons are on top of IO who are scared. Europa then stated about the plan. "So now Titan sided with them. Ugh, Traitor. So here is what we gonna do:
1. Me and Ganymede will force them out of the belt a.k.a. inside the terrestrial planet's orbit. Because I and Europa will challenge Luna (a.k.a Earth's Moon)
2. Group A once they are out of the orbit capture Earth and their other friend. But don't throw Asteroids.
3. Group B you all surround Callisto, IO, and Triton in case they will interfere once you all are inside the Terrestrial Planets Orbit.
4. If the Sun notices us well... Me and Ganymede will think of it.
NOW, Get to work!"
The Moons started to follow Mimas to where the trio was.
Ganymede chuckled oh there they are...

Vesta POV:
We are all agreeing to the plan that Moon said even tho it is kinda risky... I don't want to turn in smaller space debris. Wait, who is that...
Oh No, it's that Gaymeid and Europe Moon. I guess this is the plan. Wait, they are like the leader and I saw some moons behind them too. I guess this were Moon will give a speech or, Earth.
Then Moon Spoke. "Please uh, guys stop this Revolution on Earth."
Then Earth Spoke "Yes please I know that i went far but you know that i am sorr-"
Then Burnt Cheese Moon or Gaymeid started to shout "STOP THIS NONSENSE. Also, this *clears throat* may you all go outside the belt" They smirked. Now this didn't go according to the plan... I wonder why they want us outside the belt. "Fine.." Earth answered. So we kinda uh followed the moons... I don't like this feeling though.
Then once we are outside the belt. All of a sudden the moons blocked us and also blocked the other moons that helped us, except the Moon. Oh no, that can't be good.
Titan: WHAT
Earth: Stop! Let us go!
Vesta: What are you going to do with us or Moon!!!!

Then Jupiter and a ringed planet float by with another giant... Even the small planet carries another 2 badly hurted planets
"What is going on..." Jupiter stated.

1021 words
Hope you guys enjoy ^^

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