☆Chapter 6☆

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Nobody POV:

The Earth, Vesta, and Titan were surrounded by moons except The Moon which was just floating in confusion. Then Jupiter came by along with Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. "What is going on?" Jupiter said and saw his moons and the others. "Why are u guys blocking the Earth, Vesta, and Titan?" Jupiter questioned them. Somehow they didn't answer but Europa and Ganymede were smirking. Then Saturn shouted "TITAN!"
"Oh boy..." Titan said to himself.

Ganymede asserted "Greetings Luna!"
"What do you want?" Moon said irritably.
Jupiter: Ganymede!!!
Moon: Jupiter I can do it pls... also u sun!

When The Moon saw the Sun was going to speak.
Europa spoke, "Luna... Do you even know that the Earth is egocentric and a narcissist?"

Luna: Yes, why did you ask?
Ganymede: Why! Did you care for him even though he said an insult to us MOONS?!
Luna: Because... I care for him and I know for a billion years!
Europa: Even though his treating you like garbage?
Luna: Yes.
Luna: I have known him since, the beginning
Europa: Bruh
Ganymede: Ugh, this going nowhere Europa. Let's just throw an asteroid at Earth!

This left everyone in shock. Uranus even said, "What Mate?!". It even made Mercury in fear even Mars and Venus.
"Moons get ready to-" Europa got cut off by Luna/Theia. "NO, YOU ARE NOT DOING THAT UNTIL YOU GET THROUGH ME!" Luna expressed bravely just to protect the Earth.
Ganymede Chuckled "Oh you wanted to play asteroid dodgeball didn't you~ little one."

Titan: YEAH
Vesta: Moon you know what you doing right?
Mercury: Moon?
Saturn: I can't look *turns away*

Luna/Earth's Moon/Theia POV:
Then we fought I hit Europa with one Asteroid while with Ganymede 2 Asteroids. Then I got 3 craters now. When the 3rd Asteroid hit me Ganymede smirked in confidence "Do you give up now?"
I nodded in a No. Then the Asteroid dodgeball thing continues. Now I have hit Gaymeid with another one also Europa.
Then I got 4 craters now. But I won't give up!
Till then Ganymeid hit me with a massive blow little on the top of my eye. It makes me back off a little. But I was surprised that it revealed my eyelashes and lipstick. (A/N: ik it sounds weird but yes)
Ganymede, Titan, and IO said at the same time "YOUR A FEMALE?!" It also left everyone in shock. I took this time to throw asteroids at Europa but it missed.
Ganymede realizes the dodge-steroid is still not over yet. Then he took an asteroid and threw it at me. Don't worry I dodge them swiftly. But... I didn't notice there was another one it made me back a little.

Ganymede: So? Give up Female Little Moon
Europa: Of Course, SHE will give up easily

It made my breath a little harder. As of now, I have another 6 craters...
Earth exclaimed in worry "M-moon are you there?!" Even the Sun and the other planets look worried about."
"MOON DON'T DIE" Vesta shouted. Bruh I am not going to die 🫤.
It made me dizzy,
The surroundings were blurry...
I am shaking a little...
I still could hear Ganymede laughing and Europa saying that I should give up.
I blinked my eyes 2 times it made my surroundings clear.
I looked at the ground/Space.

Ganymede: Oh look he is sad that he might give up! WEAK MOON!!!
Triton: C'mon... Don't give up it is for your planet!

I don't wanna give up just yet. I need to save Earth... I don't want to see him die again because of me. I don't want it!!

I guess it is time to show them am not weak.
I began to lure Asteroids ready to throw them.

Nobody POV:
Ganymede looks at the Moon in confusion how does the Moon lure asteroids that are like the gravity of Mars? It also left everyone in confusion.
Till Moon/Theia began to spin an asteroid like the distance the size of Mars.

Ganymede: Uh Europa how is he doing that?
Europa: Idk

The Other Moons who were watching are trying to solve how?

*insert music /J*

Then Moon/Theia was laughing.

Ganymede: Luna, why are you laughing?

Vesta: Omg he is going to turn into a powerful princess hybrid half-human half-wolf

*Technical Difficulties*

Vesta: Moon?

Then Moon launched an Asteroid at Europa at a fast speed it almost broke a quarter of her Surface. It also made her back a little.

Europa: GAH!!!! *in pain*


Luna/Earth's Moon/Theia: *stays silent*

Earth: Moon???

Callisto: He I mean she is transforming.

(Technical Difficulties)

Callisto: How...?

Then Luna/Moon/Theia launches itself at Ganymede while holding an Asteroid at hand ready to slice an eye.

Ganymede: *falls on the space floor* Ow!!!

Ganymede looked at Moon. He was in shock even everyone. Mars then stated "T-theia...?"

Theia: try to hurt Proto I will slice your eye off!

Ganymede: *left speechless*

Europa flies towards them.

Europa: Leave my babe alone! Please don't kill him. W-we will cancel the revolution.

Theia: Good!

(Time Skip)
Then the Revolution stopped at once. Jupiter and Saturn began to lecture their Moons
Then Earth came to Theia who was in their Moon form thing.
"Thank you for uh fighting"
"It is no problem proto!"
"Who is proto-?"
"Oh right"

933 words
Thank you for reading!
I will make another book about this au but its request! :)
This is also my first book to be completed :D
Thank you again!
Edit: Thank you for 1k reads!

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