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They were humming songs of praises for the Lord when suddenly a very loud sounds of thunder was heard. Flashing lightnings accompanied them that even the souls could tremble by the magnificent display.
After that they felt like they are falling endlessly into the total darkness. It was a total void. Consciousness is unusable. They could not know where they had been and where they are going to.
After falling for like infinitely, he flickered his eyes and looked at the blinding lights. He could not see but blurred colors.
The sounds in the new place is too loud that he had to close his eyes and be in the darkness as long as possible.
He tried to utter a word but what comes out of his mouth are cries and cries.
His body is aching like it was crushed by a very massive object. So, he tried something new to him - sleeping.
He tried to use his body but he could not even move but kick and throw his arms in the air.
He could not fly or walk or even teleport. These abilities are very natural to him before but now he could not do it.
He could not sing anymore. The melodious voice was replaced by crying voice.
A new consciousness is awakening in his very soul and spirit.
New senses have been manifesting into him. He can now feel pain, hear sounds, see lights and colors and a new sensation in his stomach is making him feel weak.
He felt a new feeling when something like a warm body comes near him and feeding him with a sweet liquid. A new kind of love is taking in to his consciousness.
Whenever he cries, which he never had done before, a warm body comes near him. This body is always comforting, nourishing and cuddling him.
Because of this new sensations he is slowly forgetting his eternal past and what he always crave for is this new kind of unconditional love.
By this time, what he can do is just cry and wait for the body to come to him and tend to him.
He would always hear from that body, words which he could not understand. "Baby girl mommy loves you.", then a hymn of love would follow and she would let him access the sweet fluid."
At this point, he realized that he awakened in the body of an infant girl. He is a she now.
The covering cherub was still falling in the endless darkness. He can sense that some of his powers were still in him.
He can still hoover in the darkness, move his limbs and his mind is perfectly well.
He can sense that most of his companions were still there. But, some are not anymore with them. He could not anymore sense the aura of the singing cherub Morpheus.
So, he asked the other cherubs if they can sense him. But, no one gives any idea about Morpheus.
In this darkness and despair they need the singing cherub to cheer them up so he asked all his companions to search for him. But no one could tell where the singing cherub is.

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