Chapter 4: The Battle of Wits

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Lucifer was alarmed. If the cycle continues, they could not establish a permanent system for the fallen souls for they would be always going to Marifer to listen and be outcasted from the body they are possessing.

They could not harm Marifer because they need her to uplift their spirit. But, they could not go to a cycle of possessing a body and then be outcasted. They could not possess Marifer for the spirit of Morpheus is the one occupying the body.
So, ownership and control of Marifer had become a great issue for them.

"Let us plan our moves.", Lucifer suggested. "Let us make ways to influence her to be with us."

"Let us use wealth, fame, and other concerns of this material world to sway her.", the knowledge cherub said.

"Let us introduce people that we can control and let them influence her.", the messenger cherub said.

"Let us use her physical weaknesses to control her.", the time cherub suggested.

"Okay, so let us all study and observe the possible circumstances on how we can impose control on her.", Lucifer commented.

Marifer is already learning how to write songs. As she is growing old, memories of her life as Morpheus the singing cherub is slowly flashing back. She is now remembering the melodies and the words of praises that she had been singing in heaven. She had been writing it down every moment that she remembers them. Then, she would start singing them.

The cherubs who listens and study her to find out her weaknesses remembers their life in heaven. They were brought to their memories of their perfect life before the fall. So, they obtained a sense of peace and euphoria, therefore, they would leave her in peace.

They had found out that they could not influence or control her on that situation. It was them who are being put into the hypnotic spell of the voice of the singing cherub.

At night the spirit of Morpheus is more alive so that they can not take over that body.

"We could not control her.", said the knowledge cherub. "Let us use the the circumstances of her flesh."

"What do you mean? We first influence the people around her?", asked Lucifer.

"Yes!", replied the knowledge cherub.

"So, be it.", said Lucifer.

The parents of Marifer are very religious. They are purified by the presence of the Lord in their life. So, it is difficult for the fallen angels to possess and influence them. Besides, the voice of the singing cherub makes them always relaxed and full of spirit.

Almost all of the people close to Marifer are impossible to possess. They are all relaxed and well spirited.
"Let us use other people.", the knowledge cherub suggested. "Then let us make them commit sins through them. After that, we can already possess and control them."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21 ⏰

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