Chapter 2: A New Life - a New Identity

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"There it is. You are now a lady." her mother said while smiling sweetly. "We will go to a party...Your party."
She is now a month old in the flesh. Her mother is preparing for her baptism.
It was just a simple celebration. There are just few of their friends and relatives who attended.
It was just very casual. But, as the minister baptized the baby, the new christian became very active and reactive
"Maria Fernanda, I baptize you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.", the minister said while pouring some holy water on her forehead.
The spirit of the child leapt and some of her powers were restored. She could now see beyond physical bodies. But, still her movements were limited by her physical body. She was just able to kick and throw her hands in the air.
"We will call her Marifer.", her mother said while happily cuddling her.
Each guests presented their gifts and congratulated them. They blessed the child and wished for many things for the child.
But, there are also uninvited guests in the party. These are her former companions - the cherubs.
She could recognize them but her infant brains could only interpret blurred images of thier aura. She tried to utter words but what comes into her mouths were just cries.
"We've found him!", cried one of them. "It is his aura in her."
They've sensed her just after some of her powers were restored. She can see their aura and so they can see hers.
She had retained her beautiful voice of him when she was a singing cherub.
"We have to tell Lucifer about this." said the time cherub.
"Yes, we have to.", said the space cherub.
The fall which separated them from the Creator is a painful experience. Most of them were used to the heavenly life that they had. Aside from that, they were separated by the expanse of space and time. And, losing some of their powers were a great burden to their new existence. And, the worst of all is that they lost their center - the Creator.
They became wandering spirits. No lord, no authority, no permanent place to stay and their power before the fall was lost. They have no form so they would immitate some creations like snakes and other created animals. They became form shifters. But some of them learned to possess humans by entering into them.
     One thing that they have found out is that they can enter the body of men when they are not pure. So, they tempt them to commit sin. But, those who are united with the Lord, they could not enter.
     Once they entered the body of men the battle for ownership and control starts. And the state of the men became worst like a nation torn by war.
    The fallen angels wanted to enter the bodies of men because they want them to be their home. But, they are the temple of the Spirit of God so the battle for supremacy rages on.
    "What?", Lucifer asked, "You really have found the singing cherub?"
    "Yes, he is in the modern space-time dimension." Your old self can look at him there." , replied the time cherub. "He is not like us.", he continued. "He had reborn with a body of a mortal woman."
    "She is still a baby when we found her. We know that baby is Morpheus because of the spiritual aura of the baby.
    "She could not yet sing."
"What she can  do is crying and cooing."
    "So, you say that we need to wait for her to be mature enough to sing?",clarified Lucifer.
    "I think so.", the time cherub responded.

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