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WRITTEN BY: khadyjatt

(Amirah's predicament)


Dialing the contact for the 10th times today she sigh and drop her phone on the bed, she stare at the pole of gifts on her bed before releasing a heavy breathe,
Not only is Imran not picking her calls, he blocked her after several warning to stop calling his phone,
She feel stuck at th moment, like nothing seems to be working out for her despite hard work,
Asim on the other hand barely pick her calls and when he does its just excuses as she initiated her

#Rule number 15: take a break and don't answer calls to see how worried he would be.
She was surprised he didn't call nor message her on WhatsApp matter of fact through out Ramadan he didn't call and now it's barely a week to Eid, she has to re apply her rule number 16
#Rule number 16: Re strategize and observe as you stick to rule number 6.

But all effort in vain, he just apologize about his wife and that's it, she feel stuck, she has applied rule 12 3days ago but it doesn't go according to plan.
Matter of fact she was amazed when he call her to thank her that his wife loves the gift and his kids to, his wife also thank her through his phone, she's at a dead end at the moment.

#Rule number 12: Buy gift to his kids and wife.

She has reason and go through all her 50 rules and she would apply for rule number 18 and perhaps that would give her a chance to apply her rule number 13.

#Rule number: send a Romantic gift and observe reaction.

#Rule number 13: Discussed previous relationship to create emotional connection.

Either of the two work together because no way she would send him a romantic gift and he would not show up and even if he is uncomfortable with it he would call or show up, if he shows up she got the upper hand to expressed herself but if he doesn't she still get to speak emotionally to create that connection, all it took is a giant pot of lie and he wouldn't escape it we all human and she knows exactly the words to use to earned that.
Her bedroom door open and she looks up from the gifts.

"Ammi good afternoon."she greets and her step mum nod, ofcrse Amirah tell her step mum everything they have a healthy relationship and as bad as her step mum want to stop her she knows she have no right or whatsoever because Amirah is an adamant person.

"Amirah kenan I don't know how I'm gonna tell you that you are wasting your time with this married men, isn't what happened between you and hashim a lesson to you?"Ammi say and amirah chuckle.

"Hashim still wanted to settle down with me regardless I denied."Amirah clarify and her aunt nod.

"But at the end it won't change the fact that you realise he isn't the right man,
Amirah let go all of this, it's okay to be with a married man but you don't need all of this rules all you need is the right man to fall in love with,
If you meet the right married man wlh you won't have to undergo through all this stress,
This is completely insane."Ammi say and pick one of the wrapped gift item, if Amirah is her child she would have married her off a long time ago without thinking otherwise, she cannot even believe zakiya is already settle in her husband house while Amirah is at home worshiping a married man that has zero interest in her, same madness she apply couple of years ago and only to find out the man have zero interest and matter of fact he has a loving wife that he only realise that after she left, he went after his wife and promised amirah marriage after his wife agreed which break the girl and lead to the dissolve of the relationship, she has suggested marrying Amirah off several times to her husband but he refused at the end of the way when she pressure him he told her she's been insensitive because Amirah isn't her daughter so since then all she does is watch the girl do her sick obsession with married men as she go through rules that are insane.

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