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Written by : khadyjatt

(Amirah's predicament)

Chapter 28

Everything about her wedding beats her expectations, from her Lefe which screams nothing but luxury to the first event which was the Henna party, she's still in shock of her Lefe she cried when she saw it not because they couldn't afford it ofcrse her dad would buy the whole universe for her if that's what will makes her happy but she doesn't know she means that much to the suleym family,
From suleym whom sometimes she looks at him and sees her mum in him which is really the most biggest gift God gave to her because he gave the one thing she's always wanted at the right time, she found her uncle and find another family and now she's about to start her own family with the man of her dreams.

"You want me to bring your mum back?
On what grounds?
Did she send you to come say all.this ?"saif ask washing his hand in the faucet.

"She didn't,
I just feel like she also deserve to be a part of the family,
She was wrong but she's my mum,
I didn't see any reason why you will marry without even seeking my concert,
I'm your son my opinion should matter to you."Jamal say and saif grab one of the stool and sit on it exhausted.

"Like you said,
You are my son,
I'm the dad the only person opinion that matters is my own dad's,
You the son so my opinion should be okay for you,
Because I see no reason why i will seek your opinion about the woman i want to marry,
What did you know about life?
I should inquire your concert before marrying ?
As what?"

"As your son,
The last I checked i am also a part of the family so why shouldn't my opinion matter to you?
This lady you are marrying she's coming to stay with us so my opinion should be valid to,
Unless she told you to do otherwise since she now makes the rules around here.
I want my mum back home because...........

"Don't you dare use that tune on me young man,
What did you know about marriage?"saif ask as Jamal stare at his dad.
"I'm asking you a question,
What did you know about marriage?
You have problem with me marrying Amirah,
then deal with it,
Nadra is out of this house and my life for good and nobody Jamal not even you can make her come back to this house,
She has misused her opportunity so she should deal with the consequences,
Do you know what your mum want?
She want to ruined me because she thought when she left,
my life will be shattered but then she realised I'm better off without her and that hurt her, my happiness hurt her so she's using your dumb head to do the trick but I won't fall for that,
Nadra is not coming back and that is final,
Just because I didn't give her the divorced papers does not mean anything,
I didn't write it nor say it because i found it very disrespectful to say it and it doesn't matter what Nadra did i would always respect her because she gave me you and yusuf,
But if she pushed me i would matter of fact called her right away and tell her what she want to hear."saif say as Jamal Stare at his dad.

"She is my mother."Jamal remind his dad and saif know.

"And I'm your dad Jamal,
Nadra messed up my life and Amirah fixed it for me,
I cannot even believe you stand here defending her,
Yusuf would have been dead by now...........,,

"And you?
You wanted me dead when i was little right?
Where you happy about the news of having me?
You weren't because I was that mistake to you,
You neglected her until she put to birth,
What difference does it make,
You left her when she needed you the most and you doing same at the moment,
That's all you've always done,
Walk away and start afresh is what you are good at,
My mum will always be my mum I don't care whatever anyone said she has done,
I don't care about her mistakes to me she's still my mum and if you were a better husband non of what had happened would have happened,
You walk out of our lives years ago and only show up when it was good and you are doing same now."Jamal say and grab his backpack from the kitchen island.

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