Chapter II

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The Meeting

I look up and see a man standing in front of the window with his back to me. Is this him? 

He turns around when he hears us enter. I take him in. The first thing I notice is his height, but maybe it's more his posture. He carries himself with pride, almost arrogance. He is lean, yet muscular. Of course his body is perfection. He's a god. Perfect for...


He clears his throat so I look up. His hair is thick and curls at the end. Its colour reminds me of the sky at midnight. His nose is straight and fits his face perfectly. His mouth is full and... frowning. I finally look him in the eyes. They're... the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen. They're a sparkling silver, like the full moon on a cloudless night. I feel like I could get lost in them forever. And they're glaring at me.

He raises an eyebrow. 'Are you done?'

I turn bright red, clear my throat and curtsey. 'It is nice to make your acquaintance, Mr Alastar.'

He mock-bows. 'Indeed, Your Highness.'

My father clears his throat. 'Well, I'll leave you to it, then. Spend the day together, get to know each other, and I'll see you for dinner tonight.'

I frown. 'Will he dine with us?' None of the other knights dine with us.

Alastar answers before my father can. 'Afraid not, Your Highness. I would like to meet the other knights and servants in the castle.'

My father nods hesitantly. 'That is alright, but be sure to be with Isobel when we finish dinner.' He turns to me. He looks like he wants to say something big, but all that comes out is, 'Good luck' and he leaves us. 

We stand there in silence. Awkwardly. Maybe I should strike up a conversation. To get to know him. But what could I ask him? What's your favourite colour?  In the end, there is only one question that truly matters.

'So, Mr Alastar, do you like tea?'

He sighs. 'Forget it. I'm not here to pretend we're friends, or have tea parties. I am here to make sure you don't get killed. So don't even try. I'm not interested in getting to know you better.'

Oh. I don't know why, but that hurt. 'That's a bit harsh.'

He laughs mockingly. 'Oh, you're not going to start crying, I hope? I think I can see your lip trembling.'

I frown. 'Stop it. It's one thing you're so rude to me, but you don't have to be cruel for no reason.'

He rolls his eyes. 'Whatever you say, Your Highness. Your father said we had to spend the day together, so where are we going first? To get your hair done? To get a pedicure? What is there that you do in a day?'

My slight attraction to him is already gone. I really don't like this guy. I can't see past his awful personality. 'Normally, yes, those are the things I would do. But today, all I want to do is drink a large cup of chamomile tea and go to my room.'

He sighs deeply, and a bit dramatically, if I'm honest. 'Alright then. Not only do I have to guard a princess, but she's also the most boring plank of wood I've ever had the displeasure of meeting.'

What! I glare at him. 'You poor thing. I'm sure there is not a single soul who has it worse than you. How can you cope with this fate? Maybe go back crying to your parents, about how this job was too tough on you.'

He leans forward to look down on me. 'I wish I could, Your Highness. But I'm afraid we're stuck together. Unless you die, of course. That would be a huge convenience for me.'

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