Chapter IV

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The Painting

I'm woken up with the same treatment as yesterday. 

After running a few laps, I just want to go back to bed. But today, Alastar is actually running with me. Well, running...

'I've seen slugs move faster than you. I don't even need to quicken my step to keep up with you.'

I ignore him. Instead, I think of all the things I could do if I was the god, and he was the fragile mortal. Now that makes me smile.

'What are you thinking about? Tea? Maybe I should attach a cup to a stick so you can chase it.'

I stop midstep. 'I think I'm warm enough now. Can we move on to the more interesting things? Like punching?'

He sighs deeply. 'If you'd paid any attention to my schedule, you'd know that punching comes after a few weeks. Today, we're doing falling. We should've done that yesterday, but y-'

'But I was so slow that we didn't have enough time. I get it, let's just move on.'

He bristles. 'Very well.'

Suddenly the sky is spinning and the next thing I know, I'm lying on my back in the grass, stunned. After my initial shock, the pain comes. 'Ow! My back!'

'That's why you have to be able to fall correctly.'

I try to stand up. 'A warning would have been appreciated.'

He folds his arms. 'I'm not here to be appreciated by you.'

'Don't worry, you're not,' I say as I glare at him.

'Alright.' And there I fall again. 


'Aren't you supposed to teach me what to do?' I say, when I'm laying flat on my back for the twentieth time.

'I'm a firm believer of 'experience is the best teacher'. But the last time you fell wasn't that bad, for your standards.'

'Must everything you say be so demeaning?'

He rolls his eyes. 'You sound pathetic.'

I sit up. 'So this is all you do in the Realm of Darkness? You just fight imaginary villains all day?'

He shrugs. 'Most of the time. Or I'll read books. Sometimes my brother and I go to the Mortal Realm to drink and enjoy life.'

'Sounds boring,' I say, standing up.

'It was better than being stuck here with you, Your Highness.'

'Whatever. I'm done for today. I'm going to bathe and then I have drawing lessons with Ms Parbott.'

He frowns. 'Is that a weekly thing?'

'Uhm, yes?'

'Why didn't you tell me? I'll put it in the schedule.'

I'm surprised. 'You have a schedule for what I do every week?'

Now he looks surprised as well. 'Of course. You don't?'


He shrugs. 'Probably and immortality thing. The days blend together so much, I need a schedule to know what when to do. Or maybe your life is just so dull.'

'No, I think it's the immortality thing. But, if you'll excuse me.' I return to the castle with Alastar following behind me. 


'You don't need a bath, you barely even moved.'

I've just drawn my bath, but the water is still a tad too hot, so I'm waiting for it to cool down. 

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