Tragedy- Jenna Ortega

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Word count: 1091

"Hey baby," Jenna smiled over the phone as you answered, her voice sweet and light. She had been off doing press all weekend and told you she would call you as soon as she was done.

"Hi," you replied, looking outside and watching the rain fall harshly, the wind blowing lightly. "You headed home soon?" You asked, putting your book down and placing all of your thoughts onto her.

"Yeah, I'm leaving here in the next ten minutes or so, I'll probably get home around nine." She replied, some people in the background speaking, "I can't wait to see you my love, it feels like it's been forever." No matter how many times you heard those words you would still blush like a girl with a teenage crush.

"I miss you too Jen." You smiled, the giddiness in your voice obvious. "If you're not too tired when you get home we can watch a movie or something." You suggested.

"Do you mean watch a movie? Or 'watch' a movie?" She said suddenly, her voice having a small suggestive hint as she spoke a bit lower. You let out a hearty laugh and couldn't help but smile even wider.

"Jenna Marie Ortega. How dare you suggest such a thing." You smirked, curling yourself farther into your bed as you melted. "I mean, I'm down if you're down." You finished, it being her turn to laugh.

"Okay, I'll see you soon mi amor, I love you." She said through her laughter.

"Drive safe baby, I love you more." And then she hung up, leaving you with about forty-five minutes until she got home, so you decided to take a nap.

***Time skip***

You woke up to the sound of thunder outside, the noise scaring you before you realized what it was. You then looked at your phone, confusion flooding through you. It was almost 11:30, and Jenna wasn't in bed beside you. Not only that but you had a missed call and voicemail from an unknown number, and hundreds of missed calls from Emma. 

Immediately you called Emma. If she had called you that many times, something was wrong, and you needed to know what.

"Emma?" You said groggily as she picked up the phone, the sounds of cars passing by. "What's going on?"

"I'm almost to your house. Just let me in." She said frantically, it sounded like she was crying, and you could tell that she was driving.

"Emma? What is going on?" You said quickly, worry filling your mind. Was something wrong with her? Is something wrong with Jenna? What had happened?

" I'll explain everything when I get there. I'm like 2 minutes away." She replied, her voice shaky.

"All right, the doors unlocked. You can't tell me what's going on?" You asked again as you walked to the front door and unlocked it, your heart beating rapidly.

"I'll tell you when I get there." And with that, she hung up. In the time that it took for her to get there, you decided to listen to the voicemail from the unknown number.

"Hi, this is Doctor Jessica Walsh of the Palm Valley Hospital, I am calling in regards to Ms. Jenna Ortega, it is important that you call back as soon as possible." These words left a bad taste in your mouth and immediately your mind began swirling. Then Emma walked in.

"Em, what the hell happened?"

***Time skip***

The tears streamed down your face as you and Emma rushed into the hospital. After the doctors hadn't been able to get a hold of you, they called Jenna's other emergency contact which happened to be Emma. When she showed up she told you what had happened.

A drunk driver skidded in the rain and crashed into your girlfriend's car only ten minutes from your house. It took almost half an hour for emergency services to arrive, and all the while you were taking a nap, unaware of it all.

"We are here for Jenna Ortega." Emma said as you approached the counter, you not even being able to form words. Unfortunately, at this moment it seemed that you forgot all three of you were widely known celebrities, because people began filming.

You knew that the news would be all over this the second these pictures and videos came out. Jenna's partner and best friend crying in a hospital waiting room would bring the paparazzi here quickly. Paparazzi seemed to be absolutely heartless when it came to things like this, they just wanted the story, and they don't care about anything else.

"Em." You cried as you tugged on her sleeve, making her aware of the few people around you who had decided to snap a picture or two. Emma sent them a quick glare before turning back to the receptionist.

"And we need a private room and security. Now." The woman just nodded and asked no questions. it was obvious she recognized who you were, so she understood that your demands were actually necessities. 

"We will have you in room 204, down the hall and to the right, I'll send security there now. She will be there as soon as she is out of surgery." Emma wasted no time in dragging you down the hall to the room, your mind somewhere else.

Hearing that she was in surgery was the first time that it really sunk in. The love of your life had been in an accident, and you had no way of knowing when or if she was going to be okay. After only a few minutes, there was a knock at the door and your heart stopped.

A police officer walked in along with a surgeon, both of them having almost no emotion on their faces making them hard to read. "Which one of you is the victim's girlfriend." 

Victim. That word rang in your head and you immediately thought the worst.

"Me, is she okay?" You asked as you stood up quickly. The police officer began to speak of her car and you cut him off quickly. "I don't care. Is she alive?" This is when the doctor finally stepped up and spoke.

"Yes, she made it out of surgery and-" You tuned the rest out. She was alive, and that was all that mattered. Emma could listen to the details because for right now, all you needed to do was break down and cry.

Cry out of fear, grief, guilt, relief, any of it worked in this moment. You just needed to cry.

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