Quick flight- Jenna Ortega

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Word count: 1366

"Hi," you smiled as you picked up the phone, your girlfriend having called you unexpectedly while you were walking. "what's up my love?" You could hear her breathing on the other end and it didn't seem like it normally was.

"I just miss you." She said quickly, her voice sounding sad and tired. She was in Romania filming for Wednesday and you hadn't seen each other in a few months. Every time you would plan to go out there, something would happen and you would have to cancel.

"I miss you too Jen, you okay?" As soon as you asked that question you heard her state crying, your heart clenching at the sound. You never liked to see her hurting and it sucked that you couldn't be there to comfort her.

"I just- I'm so stressed right now and I just want to be home with you. I cant even fin the time to facetime you and its killing me." As you listened to her talk about all of the reasons she was struggling, you booked a ticket to Romania for that night, not telling her anything. 

"Just remember that you are doing amazing things. You are working super hard on something important for more people than you could imagine." You cooed as you tired to calm her even though you couldn't actually be there... yet. 

"I know, it just doesn't feel worth it sometimes." She continued, her voice cracking as you heard the melancholy tone return. "I would much rather be sitting on the couch watching something with you than being here."

"I know hun, I love you and you are so amazing-" But before you were able to finish you heard chattering on the other end, your girlfriend quickly speaking. 

"Im sorry y/n I have to go. I miss you so much baby, ill call you as soon as I can okay?" She said softly, her tone full of regret.

"Okay Jenna, I love you."

"I love you." And then she thing up leaving you to quickly finish your walk so you could go home and pack for your unexpected trip out of the country. You put enough clothes on your suitcase to be there for a few days and then made the long drive to the airport.

The hardest part about this was going to be making sure no one saw you. If any fan posted that you were at the airport, everyone would immediately wonder where you were going, including Jenna. So you had to stay under the radar.

You kept your hood up, with your sunglasses and headphones on, waiting for your flight to board. You knew that spontaneasouly showing up might not be the greatest thing you could do, but you would do anything to make her feel better.

As you were waiting for your flight you got a notification that someone tagged you in a post, your heart racing. But when you saw it was Jenna who had tagged you, you quickly calmed down.

It was a cute picture of the two of you out on the street that the paparazzi had taken a few months ago. She captioned it 'missing this girl so much right now' followed by your username. The comments were already filled with fans calling you guys adorable and reassuring Jenna that she would see you soon.

Little did they know, they were right.

After only two or three hours of waiting, your last minute flight was boarding and you were able to peacefully make it without being spotted. Now all that was left was to make it through a sixteen hour flight without Jenna getting suspicious. 

This was pretty easy to do seeing as she was filming for almost fourteen of those hours, and if she wasn't, she was still pretty busy. You watched a couple movies and took a long nap, the flight passing by quicker than ever.

As soon as you landed, you shot Emma a text, asking if she could let you into the set once you got there. You had been there before, so you knew your way around, but Jenna had always been the one to let you in.

She immediately replied with how excited she was that you were surprising Jenna, and that she would definitely let you in as soon as you got there. So now that you had this confirmation, you ordered a quick uber and made your way over there. 

As soon as you texted Emma you were there, she opened the entrance gate, a huge smile on her face. "Girl, I can not explain how happy I am that you're here." She said quickly as she hugged you. She had always been a super sweet person who had grown close to both you and Jenna.

"Its good to see you too Em." You joked as you walked inside. "But I'm glad I'm here too." The walk to Jenna's trailer was far enough away from the entrance that you weren't afraid of being seen yet.

"She has been so down recently, she needs you." You knew she had been struggling, but you never though that it would have been bad enough that her co stars would have noticed and even been worried. 

You opened your mouth to reply to Emma when your phone rang, Jenna's caller id popping u quickly.

"Hi Jen," You smiled as you answered, Emma sending you a quick wink before leaving you to walk to Jenna's trailer by yourself. "How was filming today?" As her trailer was finally in sight, you saw the lights on inside, knowing she had just got back.

"It was so-" as she spoke you knocked on her trailer door, hearing her pause on the other end of the phone. "Hold on baby, someone is at my door ill call you back." She said, sounding more tired than you had ever heard her.

Her footsteps came toward the door and she slowly pulled it open, her eye immediately landing on you. You watched as her expression went from exausred to relieved, and tears began to prick in her eyes.

"Hi my love." You said softly, watching her frozen still in the doorway. You closed the gap between the two of you, and as soon as your arms wrapped around her it seems like she returned to reality.

She began to cry as her arms wrapped around your shoulders and her legs around your waist, quickly clinging to you. You could tell that all of the exhaustion and stress from her week hit her like a truck, and all she needed was to be held.

"How- how did you?" She cried as she clung to you, her face in your neck, her fingers wrapping in your hair. You walked the two of you into her trailer and shut the door with your foot, holding her even closer.

"You needed me baby, and I needed you." You cooed as you set her down, her feet barely touching the ground as she still held on tight. "Let me see that gorgeous face." You smiled as you moved to see her.

The tears had turned her cheeks and nose a rosey hue, and her eyes were glossy and bright. But even though she was crying, she had a huge smile on her face, her fingers twirling in the hair on the back of your head.

"I love you so much y/n y/l/n." She said softly, looking into your eyes deeply as she spoke. "I said I missed you and you flew to a different continent just to see me?" She smiled, pure sibeleif in her voice.

"Of course I did." You relied quickly, your arms around her waist.

"When did you even get a plane ticket?" She asked as her hand moved from the back of your head to cup your face, nothing but love and adoration shining in her eyes.

"While we were on the phone yesterday." Her smile grew even wider as you said this, and some tears returned to her eyes. She then leaned forward and pressed a soft yet long kiss to your lips before pulling away and saying:

"Im gonna marry you."

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