Attempted Escape

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I could hear sirens in the distance as I was shoved into a car.
I stayed silent as Danny got into the driver's seat with Santino in the front passenger. 
Enzo got in beside me and my blood boiled at the thought of sitting beside him after what he had done to Lizzy.
I shot him a filthy look.
"You didn't have to kill her." I finally spoke as the car pulled away from the bar 
"You're right, we didn't have to kill her," Enzo chuckled, "We did it for the fun of it."
I could feel the anger building up in me. Knowing they killed her for no reason somehow made me angrier.
"I don't know who the hell you think you are, but-"
Danny cut me off, "We're the De Luca's. The Liberato."
I rolled my eyes. They were a mafia gang. Of course.
"That doesn't give you the right to kill innocent people. You've killed Lizzy. And left Jordan behind pouring blood. You're a bunch of filthy cowards."
Santino laughed.
And that made me mad. I was talking about lives and he was laughing as if it meant nothing!
I was always known as a bit of a hothead. And I often did things without thinking them through.
This was one of those times. I swung my arm back, hitting Enzo in the nose.
Santino turned in his seat but I caught him unaware and slammed my fist into his face before jumping over to claw at Danny's face.
The car swerved as he tried to shake me off.
I didn't even stop to think that we could all end up dead.
I just wanted them to pay for what they had done to Lizzy and Jordan.
The car slid wildly across the road before Enzo wrapped an arm around my waist. But I wasn't letting them off so easily.
I elbowed him in the face before attacking Danny again.
But before I knew it Santino's fist slammed into the side of my face and everything went black.

I opened my eyes and groaned out in pain. My face and head ached. Come to think of it, my whole body was sore.
I sat up on a soft burgundy sofa and took in my surroundings. I was in a very large living room with a few sofas, a beautiful glass coffee table, and a large fireplace. The floors were covered in a thick carpet.
There were no pictures along the walls, but instead, there were large floor-to-ceiling windows allowing the sun in.
From what I could see through the windows there was a large courtyard outside.
Where the hell was I?
Theater I could remember, I was at the bar. Watching the strange men at the table.
I could remember giving Lizzy the cloth to clean the bar.
I gasped as I suddenly remembered her cold gaze as her neck was snapped.
Oh God.
I clamped my hand down on my chest as my breathing became labored.
I jumped to my feet and rushed toward the doorway, the pain in my body forgotten as adrenaline took over.
I ran into a hallway and took a brief moment to head toward a large wooden door, hoping that was the way out of this place.
I didn't stop to wonder why it was so easy.
The doors opened and the afternoon sun hit my face. I ran out into the yard, the bricks leading to cars. So many cars.
But where was the gate?
I paused, looking around frantically for the way out.
I knew if they got their hands on me now, I was in deep trouble.
My body began to shake in fear and my hands turned clammy as the fear began to return.
"Shit!" I ran my hands through my hair as I tried to formulate another plan.
There was no gate in sight.
But I couldn't think straight.
I began to run in a random direction, hoping it was the right way.
But Danny stepped out from the side of the garage. He had his arms crossed and an amused smile on his face.
I halted.
"Now, where do you think you're going?" He asked.
I took a step back, my legs trembled and threatened to give way beneath me.
But I knew I needed to get away, so I turned and ran in the opposite direction. Onto the neatly cut green lawn.
I ran until I was forced to come to a stop in front of a bright green hedge.
It was a maze.
I turned to see Danny walking toward me with a smile, "There's nowhere for you to go. Give it up."
"Fuck you!" I ran into the hedge maze. A stupid idea. But it was better than being caught by Danny. 
I ran, taking random turns with no idea where I was going or where I would end up.
Sweat dripped down my forehead and I felt the wind on my face as I ran through the maze. My breath became hard and frantic, coming out in gasps as I tried to get away.
I had to stop to catch my breath. I doubled over with my hands on my knees as I desperately gasped for breath, my lungs ached.
My eyes darted around me, but I could see no sign of Danny. I tried to calm myself, but I couldn't. 
My heart was beating fast and the sweat dripped from my brow. My body shook uncontrollably and I realized I may just end up dead in the maze.
I had seen how little they cared for the life of someone else. I knew they could take my life just as easily as they had taken Lizzy's. 
I crouched down, a hand on the grass to steady myself, and tried to formulate a plan.
But the pain in my body was starting to return and I was still shaking.
All of this made it hard to concentrate. 
But what made it even worse was when I heard the voice of Santino.
"You can't hide in here, little bird. This is my play den."
A shiver of fear ran up my spine at his words.
He was close.

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