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I opened my eyes slowly, the drowsiness was extremely overwhelming.
I turned and my body screamed in protest with pain shooting through me.
It was only then that I remembered I was being held captive by the De Luca's.
I pushed myself into a sitting position, I was on a sofa. Wearing nothing but a shirt and my underwear.
"What the fuck?" I asked out loud.
"We couldn't put pants on you." Enzo spoke from across the room.
I frowned, not realizing he was there, "Your cousin tried to kill me."
Enzo shook his head, "No. Saint doesn't try. If he wanted you dead, you would be dead. He wanted to stop you. Not that I agree with the method he chose."
I dropped my feet to the floor and hissed in pain, "Right now I'm starting to think that death would be far better than this."
"Be careful what you wish for," Enzo strolled over, sitting beside me, "Here, these will help with the pain." He handed me two pills.
"Thanks." I swallowed the pills with a bottle of water on the small side table.
"You need to watch yourself. Do as your told. Dont step on any toes. Don't try to escape. And you'll make it through this."
I almost scoffed at his words, "Make it through? Are you kidding me? I'm being held captive by a bunch of mad men."
"Just stay out of Danny's way. Saint won't harm you if you follow his rules."
I pondered over Enzo's words. He made it sound so easy. As if I should be enjoying my time as a captive. I had to wonder if he was as crazy as Danny.
Enzo got to his feet, "Just take my advice."
I remained silent as he walked out of the large living room.
Just when I thought I was free, the door opened back up and Danny walked in.
God, can I not catch a break?
I tried to hide the fear from my eyes, but deep down I knew that I was in no shape to fight off an attack from him.
He grinned at me as he shut the door, leaning back against it with his arms crossed over his chest.
"How you feeling, princess?"
"Your brother hit me with his car, how the fuck do you think I'm feeling?!" I snapped.
He chuckled, "Damn, how I wish I could have seen that," he pushed himself off the door and came toward me, "Come with me."
I frowned, "Are you out of your mind? Do you really think that I would go anywhere with you? You stabbed me."
"I did," he smiled proudly, "You handled it so well. I want you to join me, watch what I do."
"You're out of your mind."
He stalked over to me and grabbed hold of my arm, pulling me to my feet, "I asked nicely. But it was more of an order."
I stared him down, wanting to argue. It was in my nature, I simply couldn't take orders.
"I am not going anywhere with you. I actually value my life."
To my surprise, he laughed, "Don't worry, I'm not going to kill you. I won't even hurt you." He dropped his hands, "Come on."
When I didn't move, he took my hand in his and dragged me along with him.
I already knew this was a bad idea, but I also knew that I had to go along with it.
I followed him while I internally panicked.
We took a few flights of stairs down into a basement.
And when he opened the doors and pulled me in, I froze.
It was huge. And had strange things lining the top of tables. And hanging from the walls.
All things I could only assume were used for torture.
"What-what is this?"
Danny held out his arms on either side of him, "My play room."
There was a whimpering sound coming from behind him, and when I looked around him I noticed for the first time that there was a man strapped to a chair.
It felt like the breath had been knocked out of my lungs, "What the hell are you doing?!"
Danny seemed confused, "What do you mean?"
I motioned to the man on the chair, "You have a man strapped to a chair!"
"Yes, he's a piece of shit," Danny turned to him, "He's been crossing us for a long time. And he's been selling young girls."
I hesitated, my eyes going over to the man who was gagged and tied up. A part of me wanted to stand up and tell Danny that doing this to someone was wrong.
But the other part of me felt he had it coming to him after what Danny had said.
I took a step away.
Danny smiled, "Have a seat, princess."
I didn't want to watch this, but I was sure Danny wasn't going to let me go anywhere.
I took a seat and winced in pain. Pain partially caused by the maniac in front of me.
"What should we do to him?" Danny asked me with a sick smile.
"Excuse me?" He can't be serious.
"You heard me. What should we do to him?" He repeated.
"I want no part in this." I responded firmly. There were certain lines I refused to cross, and this was one of them.
Danny smirked, "C'mon, princess, don't be like that. I know you've got it in you."
I narrowed my eyes at him, "I am not torturing anyone."
"Correct. I  will be doing the torturing. You just give me ideas."
I couldn't believe him. He was being serious.
My eyes found the captives, silently begging me.
"Just kill him and get it over with." In his position, that's what I would have wanted. Death, so I wouldn't have to suffer.
But Danny had other ideas. Of course he would, he was insane.
He strolled over to the captive man and effortlessly lifted a hammer. He turned to give me a sadistic smile before turning back and smashing it into the man's face.
Jesus. I closed my eyes, not wanting to be a witness to this.
"Remember why he's here. Remember the things he has done. To orphans like you."
My eyes snapped open at his words. Something snapped inside me. And I found myself wanting this man to be tortured painfully.
But it was a split second, a fleeting feeling.
I got to my feet, "Do what you must, but do not include me." I turned away. I refused to give in to the darker side of me. I would not allow them to bring that side out of me.

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