A Shower For Two

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My body was still aching. I could feel every little bit of pain, only it felt amplified times ten.
After Danny's show in the basement, I went to 'my' room. As much as I hated it, being a bird locked in a cage seemed better than being a gazelle left out to the prey.
When I got onto the bed, my body protested in pain.
Although it was soft and comfy, the mattress felt like bricks against the bruising on my body.
I closed my eyes and willed myself to sleep. At least I couldn't feel the pain if I was asleep.
Laying in one position for a while seemed to allow me to get used to the pain radiating through my body and I was finally able to close my eyes.
I felt a pang of pain tug at my heart as realization set in. I would have to wake up again.
I had never been suicidal, but I was feeling something pretty close to it right about now.
I can't give up that easily.
No, I wouldn't give them the pleasure of breaking me. I would suck it up and get through the pain until I was healed.
And then, I would plot my escape.
My first two attempts at escape failed because I did them all wrong.
I didn't think anything through. I wouldn't make that mistake again.

When I woke the next morning, I got up slowly while wincing from the pain. Being distracted by the aches in my body, I didn't notice the figure sitting on the chair in the corner of the room.
But when I did, I yelped and jumped back, "Fuck!" I shouted as the sudden jolt sent my pain to a new height.
Saint stood, his face a blank canvas, "You're extremely dramatic."
I shot him a glare, "Your insane brother sliced me up! And you knocked me over. But I'm the dramatic one?" I scoffed, "Are you kidding me right now?"
He blinked a few times, seemingly uncaring to anything I had said.
"What do you want, Santino?" I asked in annoyance while bracing myself against the bedside table.
"Enzo is concerned. Danny has taken a liking to you," he smirked, "And that, my little rose, is not a good thing."
My little rose? What the fuck is that about?
I raised a brow, "You say this as if it's not obvious. I've already figured that out. Now can you get out?!"
"Enzo is out on business. And while I need you alive, Danny can't be trusted to watch you," he took a step toward me, "Do you know what that means?"
I was getting seriously tired of this. I needed to shower. "I don't care what it means. You're all fucking crazy."
"It means," he took another step toward me, "That I get the pleasure of playing babysitter today."
My brows knit together in a deep V, "Excuse me? Why do I need a babysitter? Lock me in the room. Besides, I can't exactly make a run for it in this condition." Santino terrified me. Everything about him was terrifying.
But that didn't mean I was going to roll over and play dead.
I might not have been able to physically do anything, but that didn't mean I was going to lose any of my sass.
He tilted his head ever so slightly, an amused twinkle in his eyes, "I'm in charge. I get to call the shots."
"Santino, look at me," I motioned to my body, "I can barely get into the shower, I shouldn't even be moving around."
"Get ready, I've got a busy day ahead and you're coming with me. Whether you can move or not."
I clenched my jaw together so tightly that it hurt. But instead of standing and arguing any longer, I let go of the table and started taking slow steps toward the bathroom.
I could feel his eyes on me and I hated it. The hairs on my arms spiked up.
I slammed the door shut and locked it. Knowing the creep, he would be the type to walk in while I was naked.
I turned on the taps before turning to the mirror. Something I wanted to avoid.
I kept my eyes on my body as I slowly undressed. Even taking my clothes off hurt.
But the physical pain was nothing compared to what I felt when I looked in the mirror.
My body was covered in cuts and ugly black bruises.
I shut my eyes to stop the tears from welling up in my eyes. Seeing the amount of damage done to my body sent my emotions soaring.
Not once in my entire life did I ever think I would see myself looking so marred.
Get it together, Blake.
Opening my eyes, I turned and climbed into the shower. I was moving in slow motion, but even that hurt.
A dull reminder of the mess I was in.
The water hitting my bruises felt more like jolts of lightning. And the cuts stung.
I wasn't used to the amount of pain. Leaning my forehead against the cool tiles, I allowed the tears to fall.
I hated how weak I felt in the moment. But I knew I needed to let myself feel.
The smashing sound made me jump, causing more pain to shoot through my body. I turned but with the pain, my foot slipped from under me and I landed with a thud on the wet tiled floor.
The water sprayed over my face as I swore in pain.
"What the fuck are you doing?!" I snapped at Santino.
He stood in front of the shower door, his eyes on me.
The fucker broke the door down.
If I wasn't in so much pain, I would have paused to think over how creepy that was.
But I couldn't think of anything other than the pain.
"What are you doing?" I asked again, this time with no attitude. He reached into the shower and pulled me to my feet.
Only then did I realize I was naked.
My hands darted to cover myself as best I could.
Santino chuckled. The sick bastard.
"Lean against the tiles. You'll Crack your skull open."
My voice was caught in my throat. He was undressing. Right in front of me.
I blinked in confusion, too stunned to say anything.
My eyes fell to his chest, his entire torso was covered in a mix of tattoos and scars. Somehow, it complimented his golden complexion.
Stop checking him out!
I quickly averted my eyes when he unclaimed his belt.
"Again, I'm asking, what are you doing?" It was easier to form words when I wasn't looking at the perverted bastard.
He may have been a piece of shit, but he was an extremely hot piece of shit.
At the end of the day, I was still a woman and I couldn't help but appreciate the looks he was graced with.
Without a word, he stepped into the shower and my head snapped around to face him.
He was so close. Too close.
The water droplets fell down over us. Painting a beautiful picture as they ran down his face.
He looked like one of those models in a magazine with the droplets clinging to his impossibly long lashes.
I hated that I felt a pool of heat rising where it shouldn't.
Yeah, Blake, get all hot and bothered for your captor.
"Wash yourself." He turned me around so my back was to him, his hands on my arms.
My body betrayed me in a mix of fear, embarrassment, and lust.
My breathing heightened and I silently prayed that he didn't notice.
My hand shook as I reached for the sponge and body wash.
His hands dropped to my hips and I stilled.
What is wrong with me?
Despite the warm water gushing over me, goosebumps rose along my flesh.
I tried to ignore the fact that I was standing in the shower with his hands on me.
After all, the quicker I got finished, the quicker I could get out of the shower. And away from him.
Taking the sponge, I slowly ran it down my arms before moving to my chest. When I ran the sponge over my breasts, his fingers dug into my hips.
I gulped, feeling his arousal against my lower back.
Right, not awkward at all.
I wanted to get this over and done with as fast as possible. I ran the sponge along my stomach, hissing from the burns it caused my cuts.
When I dipped the sponge between my thighs, I could swear I heard a moan escape his mouth.
Even his moan was sexy.
Blake, get a grip!
I finished as quickly as I could. And there was definitely a change in both of our breathing.
I took a moment to acknowledge how messed up this was.
How could I possibly be getting turned on right now?
I felt disgusted with myself.
Placing the sponge back in its place, I turned.
His hands were still on my hips.
I averted his gaze, "You need to get your hands off me." I tried to keep my voice from shaking. I was feeling so many emotions all at once that I could barely cope.
He smirked, his eyes running up and down my naked body. I felt embarrassed by the way he so shamelessly looked at me.
"How about a thank you?" He asked.
"Whatever you're thinking, it's not happening," I said firmly. I wasn't about to let anything happen between us.
Despite the urge to squeeze my thighs together.
He leaned in, forcing me against the wall.
A spike of fear ran through me.
To my horror, he dropped one of his hands to his dick.
Oh, dear God.
I shut my eyes tightly, but his fingers dug painfully into my skin, "Eyes open."
I gulped and forced my eyes open. Keeping my eyes on his, I could see in my peripheral vision that he was stroking his length.
Heat rose to my cheeks and I wanted to shut my eyes closed again.
His gaze was too I tense and without thinking, I looked down.
I clenched my thighs together involuntarily.
"Like what you see, little rose?"
I quickly looked away again. Despite him being terrifying, I was turned on.
He pulled his hand from my hip and took hold of mine.
"What are you doing?" This time my breath came out husky and I silently cursed my treacherous hormones.
He guided my hand between my thighs.
"Saint?!" Danny's voice snapped me from my lust-induced trance and I pulled my hand back.
Disgusted by the feelings I was experiencing.
Saint swore and stepped out of the shower.
I took a moment to recover from what had just happened, my chest heaving.
And then I turned the taps off and climbed out of the shower. Wrapping myself in a towel, I didn't bother trying to ease the pain in my body.
I wanted to feel every single bit of it. It was better than feeling the shame of what I had almost allowed to happen.
When I found my room empty, I was thankful. It allowed me to lay on the bed and cry. My heart ached and I felt dirty and disgusting.
The tears did little to abolish the feelings of shame.

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