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Jisung hovered by the doorway of the classroom they had just come out of, watching Minho as he headed down the corridor and round the corner, before Jisung walked back out of the building.

He felt like he was walking on clouds, as if he was in some kind of stupor. He couldn't wait to tell Changbin and Chan, disapproving may they be. He couldn't wait to get home and text Minh-

Ah. The realisation hit Jisung from out of nowhere, and caused him to freeze in his tracks.

He didn't have Minho's phone number, or his Insta, or his Kakao. He knew nothing except where the boy lived and the rough area of where his college was. There was no way for him to contact Minho without looking like a stalker. 

In Jisung's brain, it made sense. Better to be a stalker now, once, and get it over with, than rely on looking like a stalker for the rest of their relationshi- friendship. Whatever it was, Jisung was reluctant to rush ahead of himself. 

And so he waited. He perched himself on the low brick wall which separated the boundaries of the school grounds from the pavement. He scrolled through his phone for a little bit, even pulled a cigarette from his pocket and lit it. He smoked half, let the rest urn away whilst he gazed off to one side in thought.

What had just happened? Jisung had kissed him first, but then Minho had kissed him back. Not just kissed him, but... A blush rose up into his cheeks and Jisung felt the urge to push the thought out of his mind. Was Minho- Did Minho...? It fogged up his brain. 

A noise pulled him from his reverie. The front door had swung open, and someone was walking out. It was him. Jisung noticed immediately how Minho's face was set tightly, mouth drawn into a straight expression bordering on a grimace. Dark, level eyebrows were pulled in together. 

But then Minho lifted his gaze, and every harsh line softened. His eyes met Jisung's and seem to warm, or at least liquify. 

"Hmm?" Miss me that much? Minho didn't voice the second part, saying it only with the almost unnoticeable lift of one brow, but Jisung read it easily. His blush deepened.

"I realised I don't have your number or anything."

A tilt of Minho's head, a casual smile. "Do you want it?"

Jisung rolled his eyes, scoffed, and pulled his phone from his pocket. He opened up a new contact log and thrust it towards Minho without looking at him. Minho took the phone delicately, as though it could crumble in his fingers, and typed in his phone number before handing back the phone. Jisung noted in the back of his mind that Minho didn't ask for his number in return.

Minho's eyes observe Jisung closely. The younger doesn't know where to look, flicking his own eyes almost nervously towards the bus stop. He was assuming that was where Minho needed to be? Minho followed Jisung's gaze, softened his own further into a deeper smile, and then gestured for the younger to walk with him.

A silence lay between them, still and yet comfortable. Comfortable for Minho; not so much for Jisung. 

In a pale attempt to make conversation: "Why were you at my school?"

Minho's smile falters slightly as they walk slowly towards the bus stop. Minho realigns his eyeline with the ground in front of him. 

"I had a meeting with one of the dance teachers." His voice takes on a serious tone. "I was hoping it would go... better than it did."

Jisung wasn't sure whether he should let Minho continue but the few empty beats that came after said otherwise. 

"Annoying. I feel like you'd be pretty good at overcoming obstacles and stuff, though. I'm sure you'll find a way."

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