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The question lingered in the air between them. 

Where next?

Jisung wasn't sure where to suggest. He didn't care, not really, he just didn't want Minho to leave. He racked his brain; he couldn't take Minho to the café, or the dance studio, or Hyunjin's house - the three places he recently spent most his time at, but also three places that were intrinsically linked with Minho. 

Before Jisung could worry himself more about the lack of options, he was interrupted by a low buzz from his pocket. He glanced apologetically at Minho before answering the phone.

"Hey, you near the flat by any chance? I must've locked myself out." 

Chan's voice was loud enough for Minho to hear, and Jisung was not amused by this. He didn't want to take Minho back to their place. It was so much messier, especially compared to the pristine nature of Minho and Seungmin's room. And then there was Chan. Admittedly, not Minho's biggest fan. 

But Minho seemed intrigued by the idea of seeing how the younger lived. 

"We can head over there if you need to," he had whispered to Jisung. 

Through gritted teeth: "Sure, hyung, we're on our way now."

"We? I thought Changbin was at the gym?" Even though it was tinny over the poor connection, Jisung could hear Chan's confusion. 

"He is. I'm... We'll be there soon." And then he hung up on a still confused Chan.

Minho's smile was hard to decipher as Jisung started to walk, and Minho went with him.

"Don't want to tell him you're with me?" Minho mused. "Trying to keep me a secret?"

Jisung laughed. "Want you all to myself."

The  walk to the flat was barely ten minutes, but this was still enough time for Jisung to twist himself up into a state of internal anxiety. Not very well internalised, apparently, as Minho picked up on it. He edged slightly closer to Jisung so their shoulders bumped together as they walked. Sent cautious glances in his direction but didn't ask. Jisung was grateful for this.

They rounded a corner and Jisung was ready to run in the opposite direction when he saw Chan leaning casually against the stairs up their building, glancing down at his phone and yet to notice Jisung and Minho.

When he spotted them, his face twisted through a cycle of emotions. Jisung felt Minho compose himself slightly beside him and wanted to reassure him. Did he recognise Chan from when they had seen each other at the bus stop however long ago? Would he say anything, if he did?

"Jisung," Chan's voice seemed guarded. "Lee Minho?"

Minho offered a smile and Jisung wanted to wrap him up in his arms. He hadn't seen the older boy like this, somewhat nervous, appeasing. 

"Hi," Minho responded simply.

Jisung brushed past them both, not particularly wanting to engage, before he stuck his key into the door and pushed it open for Chan. Chan walked past him but paused at the threshold.

"Not coming in?"

"No, we're-"

Jisung was cut off by Minho stepping past him, following Chan into the building. Jisung swore under his breath as Minho glanced back over his shoulder at the younger with the hint of a smile and one quirked brow. 

"You're just picking something up, right? And then you're meeting Changbin at the gym?" Jisung's voice was hopeful.

Any hope was crushed when Chan looked studiously between Jisung and Minho, sizing them up, before shrugging and putting his backpack down on the floor in the hallway.

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