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A few months later, and it was getting late, drawing closer to 7pm. The night was starting to draw in. Each light in Hyunjin's house was on in attempt to fight the looming darkness. Jisung had wrapped himself up in duvets under the lamp in the living room.

"Shift over, hyung."

Jisung made room for Jeongin, who sprawled out over the other half of the sofa. He placed a bowl full of snacks in between the two and tossed a TV remote over to Jisung.

"You know he's not meant to be back for another two hours, right?" Jeongin asked - although his words were muffled by the handful of popcorn he had just shoved in his mouth.

"And? Is it bad that I want to spend some time with my favourite housemate?" countered Jisung as he picked a random Netflix show to watch.

The familiar intro noise was marred by a spluttering cough from Jeongin. Jisung's words had made him suck in a gasp, and the last few bits of unchewed popcorn had gone hurtling down the back of his throat.

Jisung jumped at the sound and sprung up to pat Jeongin a few times on the back, trying to help him stop coughing. Jeongin was gasping for breath and his eyes were watering as he cleared his throat and looked up at Jisung.

"Please," Jeongin rattled. "Please, don't tell me you and Minho are coming back to live here? I thought Minho had moved in with you, Chan and Changbin?"

A frown tempered Jisung's face as his hand froze on where it had been rubbing Jeongin's back soothingly. He pulled the hand back, let it fall in a slap, and then pulled away from the younger.

"Rude! Would that be such a bad thing if we were coming back?"

Jeongin's eyes watered more. His expression turned pleading and he rubbed the palms of his hands together in a dramatic appeal.

"Jisung, hyung, none of us slept for weeks. You are not as good at being quiet as you think you are." Jeongin repositioned himself into a kneel on the sofa, bowed his head.

Heat rushed to Jisung's cheeks. He and Minho had pretty much been staying at Hyunjin's, kicking Seungmin out to stay in Hyunjin's room (which Hyunjin loved, but Seungmin hated) for a couple of weeks permanently. After those few weeks, once they had 'proved their relationship' to Chan and Changbin, they had moved back to Jisung's. That's where they had been living for the last few months.

With the familiar blush came the realisation that if the boys at Hyunjin's could hear him, then Chan and Changbin could also definitely hear him. Jisung made a note to ask Minho to shove his face into the pillow more often - at least that might help Jisung to dull the sounds he couldn't hold in.

"Well, don't worry. You creeps won't have anything left to listen in on. Me and Minho are looking at getting a flat together." Jisung couldn't stop the small smile that came with this confession.

Jeongin nodded through another handful of snacks, these going down much easier than the first. He watched Jisung as the older returned his attention to the TV show. He and Jisung had grown close since Jisung and Minho started hanging out more; Jeongin was pleased to meet someone as ruthless as him, but their conversations usually ended in what the others deemed 'pout-offs'.

"Minho said he'd be here at 9pm, right?" Jisung asked with his gaze still on the screen.

"Aww, hyung. Miss him that much?" Jeongin mocked, earning him a pillow to the head from Jisung's side of the couch.

"It's been five whole days," Jisung whined. "I get that he wants to go back to his parents' house to see his cats or whatever, but I'm literally here. And so much cuter."

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