Perfect Day: Beauty of people

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I was able to come across many convivial people. A day like that is cheerful. Outside the hospital, I got to meet three wonderous people.

Hussam was a driver. A middle-aged man. As lively as a man could be. He told me stories about his passengers. We laughed about them. He told me about his beautiful wife. He showed me pictures of his children. We bonded over cities we lived in. Past and present intertwined. A peek into a human's life. An encapsulation of a beautiful cheerful life.

In an elevator. At a different hospital. Hassan greeted me with the most endearing smile. I was lost in the hallways of the buildings and in the beauties of it all. My tour guide, I told him. He guided me by the hand and took me as a friend. It's heartwarming when you have conversations in elevators. It's heartwarming when you make a stranger a friend.

An (almost) eighteen year old guy at a bus stop looking at the cars going by. He works in a nearby hotel as a chef. He's been in the food business since he was ten. He doesn't wait for the bus, he sits and watches the go by. Observing the world. I observed him. Sweet, well-spoken, peaceful Mohmmad. Present and future intertwined. A peek into a human's life. An encapsulation of a lively satisfying life.

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