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A faint smell that reminds me of my grandparents house, a lovely nod from the past, it might be the smell of old curtains, or the early spring, or the dirt, or a combination of all or none.

i remember sitting on my grandmother's place on the couch. Maybe i was hoping for an embrace
the smell is getting less faint, maybe its the quietness of the night that influences the smell

I remember listening to beloved my john on the way home. Maybe music is not the most suitable way to honour a memory, but i can't help its gentle touch.

I remember staying there when my parents had to travel, i remember spilling olive oil inside the cupboard, i remember her smile as i styled my hair stupidly as a child, i remember when we found the tortoise near the trees, i remember the tray of discarded food they used to collect for the donkey or the chickens, I remember the smell of the chickens and the mess they made, i remember the pigeons as well, i remember the old carpet, i remember when we watched the titanic for the first time, we sat on that carpet, i remember lots of things, but i forget even more, all i can do is try to remember more, write, and pray.


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