Chapter 19

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Ayaan Fadel.

Hadewa Caliphate,


10 Years Ago

Turns out Rabia Fadel is a friend of my mother's from college. I don't think I can recall my mother speaking of her—or maybe, she did and I just never paid attention to it—I couldn't be sure.

All I know though, is that the minute we arrived at their home in Hadewa, I could already tell that she and I would get along. It was just a feeling you know, it's hard to explain. I tried to brush it away, because I could remember on our way there, Mami said something about them going back to the States.

It seemed they were only visiting to take a break.

On a business level, I know them. Her husband, Hosain Fadel is a pretty influential man in the business world. And from what I know, they only have one child...Ayaan Fadel. He's around my age from what I know.

However, no one knows a thing about him aside from that. His parents had simply kept him away from the business world to the point that, hardly anyone could tell what he looks like. There had been various speculations regarding him, I had mine as well until Mami put an end to it.

"Their child is sickle cell, so he gets sick quite a lot." She stated, while we were on the plane to Hadewa. We could've went by car, since it isn't that far but it's better to choose the safer side as well.

Baba and Anisa were sitting in front of us, while Mami and I were seated behind them. I didn't mind. I don't admit this, but I'd always gotten along with her even more than Baba—that to say doesn't mean I have a bad relationship with him, no.

I guess it's what you'll call me being my mother's boy and Anisa her father's princess. It's easier to understand if I put it that way.

"—It's hard for them both already, so they choose to keep him away from the media for his peace of mind."

I found myself nodding. I could understand where they're coming from. Being the face of media in our world is a normal thing, but that doesn't mean it's a good thing necessarily. It's not—hence, why I try to not get involved as well.

"I could only imagine how tough it would've been for him." I  voiced out lowly. It's already tough being sick, the media would only make it worse.

Despite not knowing anything about him at the moment, you wouldn't want to know what sort of stories are being cooked up out there about him. It's sickening the way some of them are addressing him. So, I'd believe his parents made the right decision by keeping him away from those judging eyes.

Mami nodded slowly, "It is." She blew out a breath, tilting her head up so her eyes would meet mine. "He recently passed away."

My eyes widened almost instantly, as I whipped my head around to look at her. Perhaps, it's because of what happened to Nailah, but I haven't been doing well with anything regarding death. It's only been two days since it happened, and it seemed her family plan on covering it.

How though? I'm yet to find out.

I didn't know Ayaan personally, but I would be lying if I said I didn't feel his death hit me. It doesn't matter who death reaches, it's never an easy thing.

"Inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi rajiun." I muttered, my shoulders slacking.

Mami didn't say a thing. She simply reached her hand out to take mine in hers, and then cover it with the other. She then leaned back on the seat, her gaze still on me. "That's partially why I want to visit her as well. It's been tough for everyone recently, you especially. I am hoping the change of scenery would be good for you."

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