Chapter 23

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Nailah Zayed.

Maroudi, Nigeria.

True to Imran's words, he held a press conference the next day to clear up my scandal. I was extremely hesitant to go out there and face the public. Much to my elation though, he told me that I didn't have to go with him.

I would be lying if I said I wasn't elated to hear that, though I tried to hide it from him.

Instead of going there in person, I opted to watch the live broadcast of the conference instead. Quite a lot of reporters showed up, which I wasn't surprised about. They probably thought they would get the latest scoop—that is, Imran throwing me onto the street in public.

However, sad to say, they won't get what they want.

On another note, I know he must've sent out as much invite as he could. Knowing him, he would've wanted to gather as much press as he could at the last minute so the news could spread fast.

"Good day everyone." He started, now standing on the podium. Flashes of various cameras reflected across his features, but he didn't seem fazed by it one bit. "I'm Imran Hadi, as most of you know. Today I will be addressing the issue regarding my wife, Nailah Zayed, and our new business partner, Mr. Ayaan Fadel which sprouted up yesterday."

Taking a seat on one of the couches in the living room, I took the remote and increased the volume. My gaze was fixed on him, no one else. I wanted to see if I could see past his expression—but when have I ever been able to do that?

Imran has proved times without number to be a man that was impossible to penetrate through no matter how hard one tries. Your efforts just keeps bouncing off a wall and gets thrown at you. I know because I've been doing this for years and yet, here we still are.

One thing's clear though, he cares.

He cares about me. He cares about Nailah.

"—those pictures that circulated round the Internet were taken on the day we had a meeting with him regarding the partnership. Unfortunately, I couldn't be there so my wife handled it on her own. Those pictures that spread happened to give an entirely different story, and for that, we would track and make the person responsible face legal charges."

The press seemed to have taken an interest on what he said last, because they began to throw questions from all angles. They all zipped their lips shut though when he continued. I on the other hand couldn't help but wonder how he could be so certain he can find the person responsible.

Can he?

"--That being said, I would like to clarify this issue that there's nothing between my wife and Mr. Ayaan Fadel other than a business relationship. And as such, I would like you all to stop attacking her with your baseless accusations because I won't take it lightly again. Any insult or accusation made against my wife regarding this issue again would be considered slander, and the person responsible will face the wrath of the law, that I promise you."

That was all I needed to hear. Clicking my tongue, I ran a hand through my messy hair before getting on my feet and disappearing off to my room. I could still hear murmurs coming from the TV, as the press conference went on but I'd already heard the most important part.

Knowing Imran, I know he would end it here too. He isn't one that likes socializing with others unless it's absolutely necessary.

What matters to me though is that I had gotten what I wanted. The thought had my lips stretched into a small smile.


Turns out, I missed another important part of the press conference. The celebratory dinner Imran would be hosting to signify officially putting an end to the rumors and to celebrate the partnership between Hadi Groups and Fadel Affiliation tonight.

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