Chapter 25

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Nailah Zayed.

Maroudi, Nigeria.

Hadi Groups is a company that makes an average profit of 25 million dollars a year. This year, we exceeded our limit and made a 50 million dollar profit.

Losing 150 million dollars just like that clearly isn't something that will be handled calmly. That's practically six years worth of profit on an average base, minus this year that is.

My father-in-law's reaction is pretty reasonable, and that includes the fact that he's in the hospital now after suffering a heart attack amidst yelling at us during the meeting. Truth be told, I did anticipated his anger but not the heart attack part. And without so much as giving it a thought, we hastily rushed him to the hospital.

"You should go back to the office and oversee the issue, I will stay with him." I said to Imran, after the doctor had briefed us on the old man's condition. He didn't try to sugarcoat it, he outright told us that it was critical and he will need further tests to confirm it, but it doesn't look good at all.

I could tell Imran was conflicted between staying here with him, and going back to the office to fix the problem at hand. If both of us are here, then there wouldn't be anyone to oversee it all. Especially not with the Chairman out like this.

He looked hesitant, his gaze fixed on the door of his father's room where the doctors are in with him.

"I'll stay here." I added, my voice softening. "You need to take care of that as well." I could go, but I think everyone would prefer it if he goes. And his father is part of that 'everybody'. The old man would get another heart attack and move to the afterlife if he figures out I'll be in charge of the issue.

He doesn't trust me that much. Rightfully so.

I don't mind though. Saves me the stress of it all.

Finally, that seemed to do the trick. He sighed, his shoulders slumping as he nodded. He then shifted his gaze to mine, his hand raising to give my shoulder a slight pat. "Thank you." He mumbled, the words coming out so low I barely caught it.

In response, I offered him a small smile of assurance and watched as he turned around and hastily went away. Now left alone there, a small sigh left my lips as well as I settled on one the waiting chairs there. I've been standing for the past thirty minutes, I definitely need to sit and rest as well.

I'm not sure how long I sat there, but the sound of rushed footsteps approaching gained my attention. Looking up, I wasn't taken aback to see my mother-in-law rushing in my direction; her expression frantic.

On reaching where I am, she made an attempt to go in but was stopped when I hastily got on my feet and stopped her. "Ma, I know this isn't easy for you but you can't go in. They are conducting tests on him. But, they'll be out any minute now."

She whipped her head around to shoot me a glare, her eyes narrowed in slits. Even this dire situation, she has the strength to do such a thing.


I sure am the luckiest woman in the world. I have the best in-laws out there that love and care about me the most. You envy me, right?

"Get out of my way." She gritted out, not willing to back down. "Who are you to stop me from seeing my husband?"

I resisted the urge to click my tongue and roll my eyes. See, this is actually my fault for trying to do the doctor's job. I should've allowed her to walk in. If they throw her out, at least it wouldn't be on me.

Seeing as I was yet to respond, she took another step closer to me—wanting to intimidate me it seems. "You know what? Leave this place right now. The last thing we need is your fake sympathy!"

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