Blood of the hotel chapter 1 : the gory night

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A traveler, with his mouth covered with a scarf of a purple and white colour scheme and darkish hair was heading in the direction of a hotel with a flyer in his hands

"J and J's grotto" he reads off the flyer and looks up, seeing a giant building with these exact things labelled on it, but the building looked decrepit and dead, he even could see cobwebs spreading through the entirety of the building but with all of this in mind, he still entered it as he needed the money

"Hello? Anyone here?" He asked, his voice echoing from the empty corridors but he noticed an old man smoking a cigar at the reception desk so he decided to walk over to him

"Hello, how can I help you in J and J's grotto?" The old man asked, but the traveler responded

"I'm actually looking to get hired! I saw the flyer and it seems you need employment"

"You sure?" The old man asked, his tone not changing even for a second

"Y-yes, I'm sure" the traveler said, but now with a little stutter

The old man gave a giant sigh before grabbing a lantern and saying "then follow me kid"

He said as went to the back room and opened the door to a basement like area and started going down the stairs, so the traveler followed him

At first he questioned why the old man would need a lantern but walking down a giant pile of stairs down without a light source would be a nightmare, but eventually they made it to a dimly lit room with a table, a piece of paper, a pen and two chairs

"Take a seat, son" the old man said as he placed the lantern on the floor, sits down on a chair and picks up the pen and paper and so the traveler also sits down

"I'll ask you a couple question to see if your qualified for the job, alright?" He asked at which the traveler responded "yeah, that's why I'm here... to get this job" he said with an awkward smile, at which the old man just looked down on the paper and asked

"Name, surname and age?" At which the traveler replied

"Eron Staydead, and I'm 17"

"Eron huh? Quite strange name" the old man said while writing something on the paper

"Oh that's because my parents-" Eron was about to say he immediately got cut off by the old man

"I don't want details, I want to make this quick, understand me?"

"Yes sir" Eron responded now with a bit of sweat running down his face

"Why do you want to work here?"

"My parents are massively in debt and I want to help them"

"Oh, the selfless type, you'll come in handy"

This stuns Eron a bit but he somehow managers to remain calm and ready for next question

"This will be the final question, are you ready?"

"Y-yes, I'm very ready"

"Are you able to fight? In close quarters"

"Excuse me? Why would I need to fight in a hotel"

Eron asks confused as he couldn't think of a reason on would he need to fight

"If the next words out of your mouth aren't yes or no, I'm denying you working here immediately" the old man says as he takes another smoke

Eron thinks for a bit, wondering if this is the thing he seeks, and he finally responds

"Yes, my parents work in the military and trained me martial arts"

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