Chapter 4 : operation star girl

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As mantus was sitting on his red root covered throne, with one of his servants nervously standing next to him, he began tapping his fingers on the throne as he's starting getting annoyed at something, with his servant starting to sweat nervously at his tapping

Mantus clenches his teeth, the tapping speeds up, his attitude becoming more annoyed and frustrated with the second, and as his servant gave him a nervous glance, he slammed his fist onto hit throne

"WHERE IS ARCHANE" he yelled, shaking his entire cave with this simple gesture

His servant quickly returned to his position as mantus turned to him

"You! Give me our strongest booze, QUICK" he yelled, tapping his fingers more and more, as the servant scrambled for the strongest thing they had

As he came back with the bottle, mantus took it from him forcefully and started drinking everything that's it in, he suddenly stops and looks at his servant

"You call this shit strong?" He says as he takes the bottle and smashes his servant across their face with it

"Get out of my sight, you worthless bug" he yelled as the servant just got up and quietly said

"Y-yes l-l-lord mantus..."

He quickly walked off with a bruised chin as a shadowy figure entered the room

"Lord mantus, I bring forth the news about archane" the figure said, taking off its hoodie

It was a pale skinned, well build man who looks like he's in his 20's, with a giant purple robe


As mantus was about to finish his threat, the pale man stops him and says

"Archane has been defeated... sir mantus..."

Mantus's face goes into a blank expression, as he softly says

"Call the other overlords..."

And with a swift move, the pale man disappears into shadows

As he leaves, mantus turns around, and pulls a lever in his dark, root infested room, entering a secret room, with a dimly lit candle and a portrait of an angel, with red wings and where red roots are coming from

Mantus sits on the ground and closes his eyes, as he says

"Dear Lord Apollyon, I'm sorry for my children being not competent enough... please forgive me..."

For a minute, there's complete silence... but eventually a voice speaks to mantus in his head

"Mantus... you have... failed to bring me blood... of a strong willed soul... how am i... supposed to redeem humanity... without it?"

The voice said in a monotone tone, with little to no emotion in it

"I'm sorry Lord Apollyon... I'll do everything I ca-"

As mantus was about to finish his other plea for mercy, the voice cuts him off again

"I forgive you my child,your sick and you cannot do my bidding.... But this failure.... Cannot go unpunished..."

As the voice says that, mantus's eyes widen as his right hands begins to morph before exploding bits of blood and roots everywhere

As mantus screams in pain, as it is absolutely unbearable for him, the voice calmly says

"This is a light punishment, as thanks to my blood, your hand shall grow back... this is a reminder not to fail me... next time... I will not be so merciful... until we meet again my child..."

As mantus gasps for air and his arm slowly regenerates, he walks out of the secret room, and closes it with the same lever he used to enter it

As he sits back on his throne, he thinks to himself

"I cannot fail Lord Apollyon again... the pain... it's unbearable... I can't fail... not again...."

As he's lost in his thoughts, the pale figure appears from the shadows once again

"All of the overlords are here"

As mantus hears this, he hides his still regenerating hand behind his coat, as he says

"Good work, Erebus... you can skip this meeting,.. go on your look out"

Mantus said calmly as Erebus nodded and disappeared into the shadows again

As mantus walked out of his throne room, he was create with 7 figures standing in-front of him

Some tall, some slim

Some skinny, some fat

Some pale, and some colourful

But they all had deep respect for mantus in their looks

Mantus comes closer as he begins talking

"As you all should know, archane, one of the overlords, the strongest children of Apollyon, has perished... this is terrible, as for the first time in years, Lord Apollyon did not receive his weekly sacrifice blood of the strong willed..."

He said with contempt and dignity, with the overlords listening closely

"And that's not where all of our problems end, with our source from Erebus, that our needed stealing of weapons, wine and others have began being documented by a 18 year old, niko freeman"

Mantus now clenched his other fist, still waiting for his other to regenerate, as the tension in the air changes

"She is perfect for the sacrifice, it will be knocking out two birds with one stone... but there's a problem... the next Saturday... she is going to that hotel, as she's from a rich family, and her father has a close connection, to old man Joseph, so he knows she'll be save their..."

Mantus's eyes suddenly get blood shot as he looks at one of the overlords, the skinny and lanky one, with coral and seaweed blocking his face, making it unseeable

"You, Altlua, next Saturday, you'll go that hotel, kill the girl, take her here and sacrifice her"

The overlord stepped forward and said

"I shall... do my best..."

He said in a slow, husky voice, like he had bugs crawling in his throat

"And... if you fail..."

Mantus said, with frustration in his voice, as he suddenly starts rapidly growing, his bones cracking into new shapes, his fingers grow claws and his hand fully regenerates


Monster mantus yelled, as Altlua looked at the ground and said

"I won't disappoint you, lord mantus..."

With these words, mantus started to grow back into his original form, as he become small again and his eyes were no longer blood shot

"This concludes the meeting, you all can go"

Mantus said dismissively, realising that his hand has finally grown back

And as Altlua was about to leave, mantus stopped him

"And one more thing" mantus said as Altlua was about to leave

"Yes sir mantus?" He asked confused

"This operation shall begin when the first star appears on that night, so this mission of yours will be called... operation star girl... do not fail me"

He said menacingly, as he turned back to his throne room, as Altlua left

He sat down on his throne, wondering... how much longer will he need to be tormented

Before his god, can escape his prison.

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