Chapter 8

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He smirked at my words. "Let me show you" he stood up as he put his hand out for me to hold.

I looked at it, analysed it even as I stood.

Why this dude thinks I'd take his hand, I'll never know.

I followed him back to the front carpark of the building. My eyes flicked around, looking for any sign of danger or commotion.

How haven't they been attacked yet? They make so much noise from what I can gather.

I cautiously followed behind him, keeping my movements slow.

What if he was lying about Damien, what if he's already dead?

My stomach twists into knots as I put one foot in front of the other, drawing closer and closer to my death.

My thoughts shattered as he stopped walking and turned around.

"Hey, I know this is all new to you and it can be scary but you need to understand that once we enter this room, you need to stay calm. I can't have you lashing out because you're afraid or uncomfortable, okay?"

My eyes met his in confusion.

If I want to lash out, I'm going to lash out. It's better than dying a slow painful death.

His eyes burned into mine and I could see the seriousness on his face.

I nodded hesitantly. Being obedient is probably my best bet.

He kept looking at me a moment longer. I don't think he believes me, or trusts me which is fair.

I followed behind him again as we walked towards the steps. I hadn't realised how steep they were before.

Maybe that's just a sign of my hesitation.

He skipped up them quickly, with a precision that could only come from a person who had climbed them a million times over.

How long had they been here anyway?

I walked slowly up the steps. Uneasy on my footing as Mr Bun Man waited at the landing.

My nerves started to kick in again knowing that the room was the first door on the left atop the staircase.

My heart thumped in my chest, desperately trying to escape me.

My palms damp with nerves.

When I reached the top, I waited for him to knock again, but it never came. He turned the knob with a quiet click before opening the door.

Damien stood the moment his eyes landed on me. A rush of surprise laced his face.

The candles that illuminated the room flickered and sway with the rush of wind that he created.

I looked around the room. Taking in the fact that there truly were several others.

The old man sat on the lounge and by his feet, were two children. A boy and a girl. They looked to be twins based on their identical smiles, brunette hair, and blue eyes. They looked up at me with friendly smiles and a giggle from the girl when her brother poked her for not paying attention to their game.

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