Arya "Lucky" Day

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Soon as the door opened I took off. I refused to be sold I didn't care what he was talking about a few nights ago. Soon as the door opened I went down stairs and I was almost to the door when he tackled me. Fuck.

I tried to fight his ass off but he bare hugged me from behind and we fell to the floor.

"Ain't nobody about to hurt you. Just calm down I'm here to talk to you." He said but I head butted him cause him to let go. I made it out the door just for him to drag me back in the house by my shirt. He dragged me upstairs back to the room but he locked it this time.

"Look you gonna get with the program. I'm not about to fight with you. Your boy hasn't paid, how the fuck you even get invited with somebody like that. So since he couldn't pay you're gonna pay. In order for me to take over I need to be married and that's where you come in. Tomorrow we walk down the isle and don't fuckin run because next time I won't be so nice." He snapped.

After i had been there a few days he sure did have me in a wedding dress and I was walking down the isle. Everyone looked so happy but me. I stood there and just existed till it was time for me to day I do.

"No fuck no." I snapped.

"Give us a minute." His mother said. The damn near dragged me down the isle to the bridal room. The force me to sit down.

"You must want that little boyfriend of yours to die." Perk said.

"Shit I don't care." I said.

"So you're willing to die for him?" He said pointing a gun at me. I just smiled.

"Beats being married to you." I said and they looked at each other. Then I started laughing.

"This has nothing to do with a debt, you need me to take over. If I say no you just gonna stay a number two and you won't be able to step down. You know Carlos would offer me up on that date. You planed this." I said.

"Shit I like her. She smarter then any other bird brain bitches you brought. Our line of work is a family run business normally handed down to sons but I'm my fathers only child. I'm ready to step down and I need my son to step up. What's your price?"

"Oh you think I want money?" I laughed standing up.

"Yeah so what's your price." Perk said.

"Oh no I don't want no money I want freedom. My whole life I been locked down I wanna travel and have all the perks to being your wife. You do you I do me. Shit I ain't even gotta live with you get me a nice apartment and a car to get around I can figure out the rest." I said.

"No you gonna live with me because I want perks of having a wife. You want freedom you got that shit ill get you a car. Do we have a deal." He asked.

"Fine." I said.

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