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          It was three in the morning when I walked threw my home for the first time in two months. I checked on my daughters and they were sleep. So I went upstairs to see my wife upstairs sleep on her back with one of my shirts on. I took off my clothes and crawled in bed with her. She felt my arms and woke up.

"You're home." She whispered.

"Go ahead and go to sleep mama. We got all day to catch up." I said and she laid her head on my chest and we both drifted off to sleep.

      The next day I woke up and she was gone. I looked around the house and saw she was gone. I went in the kitchen and my girls were there. They ran up to me and hugged me. I asked where Lucky was and they gave each other a look.

"Whats going on?" I asked.

"She's not doing good daddy. She's spent a few days in the hospital two weeks ago. She came home and her eyes looked sad." Saphire said.

"She hasn't left yet high and dry she's just been sad. Fux her dad." Emerald said.

             I took the girls to school and by the time I got back Lucky was home. She was in the kitchen drinking some coffee looking out the window. I went and wrapped my arms around her. I kissed her cheek.

"Whats going on mama." I asked.

"Nothing." She said giving me a fake smile.

"Why were you in the hospital?" I asked.

"It was nothing." She shrugged.

"Arya what happen ma." I snapped. She went into her bag and pulled out some papers. I read over the pages and saw in big bold letters miscarriage. She had my stomach dropping.

"Why didn't you tell me I would've rushed back home." I yelled.

"What were you gonna do? It was already too late." She snapped at me.

"You aint have to go threw that shit alone. Shit the girls see your sad." I snapped at her.

"You know what how about minding your own business. People are allowed to be fuckin sad once in a while." She yelled walking off. She was missing me off so I went after her she went in our room and locked the door.  So I raised my foot up and kicked the door right off the hidges.

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