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           It's been a few days since I left. I was in a decent hotel till I could find me a house or an apartment. I had been out job hunting when I came back I was met with Perk. Hiw he got in my hotel or even found out where I was surprised the fuck out of me. I had been able to breathe better that I was away from his spawns. Was I living a great life as his 'wife', yeah it was a transaction but it wasn't bad.

       Perk has never tried to touch me or force me to do anything I didn't want to do. If I wanted to go somewhere he asked no questions he paid for it put money in my account he had opened for me.  In return I cooked and cleaned around the house. I tried my best to take care of his children. Those girls were giving me flash backs to being in a group home with my sister. Having gum put in my hair, the beatings it was too much. It had me wondering where the girls mother was. Because baby she need to pick them the fuck up. Instead I just rolled with it. Shit it was that man's kids what kinda woman would I be to ask him to chose. Shit I ain't even tell on those girls. I kept my mouth shut and took care of those girls as best as I could.

"Lucky it has been long enough. It's time to come home." He said.

"This wasn't a break. I'm not coming back. It was nice I swear it was and lord was it nice to be able to breathe again but I can't do that shit. Your kids hate me and I think hate is an understatement." I said.

"My kids are fucked up. I'm not gonna lie. There mom was on drugs real bad. Pills mostly but she had other issues too. She tried to convince saphire she was a boy. Emerald she just pretended didn't even exist. Then once I took them she came for a supervised visit look my kids in there eyes and told them this was all there fault and shot herself in the head." He said.

"Antonio as much as that's sad as that is and as fucked up it us to say everyone's childhood wasn't peaches and cream, but that not excuse to be little assholes." I snapped.

"Your right I'm on your side about all this shit. You just left like I wouldn't even hear you out." He said.

"You are acting like this little marriage is real. I left, you got what you wanted so im confused." I said crossing my arms.

"I like you in my house. You and the girls in my house, I don't know it feels nice. When I come home and your in the kitchen and the girls are off doing there thing I don't know how I like that corny ass shit. I like them fruity candles you burn and the smell of your soap when you come out the bathroom. I like the way you push your hair away from your face when I ask you questions. I like the way you dress different. I like the way you twist your hair when your deep in thought." He said and it surprised me that he even payed that much attention to me.

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