✰. . .proud mother

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CHAPTER ONE [ social media, real life ]

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[ social media, real life ]

real life!

"i really do love the gifts lilah got us you know?" matt stated, skating around the hardware floor with the roller blades on that delilah had gifted the triplets. his arms out for balance

"yeah we know, you've been skating around in them like a ballerina for like an hour now" nick rolled his eyes, huffing as he slumped more in his chair. matt narrowed his eyes at his brother, ignoring the comment as he continued to twirl around.

though, matt easily lost control with the dizzy turns, almost falling over but then regained himself. he sighed in relief before catching sight of chris rolling down the hallway at lighting speed. then the inevitable happened and they crashed into one another.

chris screamed dramatically whilst matt let out a groan from taking most of the impact from the harsh fall

"you just gave me whiplash" matt croaked out, glaring at chris who couldn't help but laugh.

chris quickly picked himself up and continued to skate around the room as if he hadn't winded his brother.

nick barked out a loud laugh as matt huffed, pulling himself to stand before he ran at chris to try and get his revenge.

though the younger triplet caught on fast and dodged him. the two going back and forth until they were infront of eachother, holding the others forearms in a pathetic fight stance

"bring it on then!"
"come on!"

attempting to drag eachother down, though nick was getting visibly annoyed from their bickering and decided to stand up from his seat and roll over to them.

"guys don't fight, you're on roller skates!"

ironically, despite nick complaining about them roller skating, he had his own pair on already. so he rushed over to try and intervene but just ended up in the middle. one hand on chris's chest, the other on matts to try and seperate them. the three brothers arguing and trying to drag eachother down.

"there's nothing smart about this idea!" nick yelled

eventually, matt had the thought to push nicks body into chris's which sent the two falling over on their hands and knees. but nick had a firm grip on matts jumper. sending matt toppling over along with his idiotic brothers.

"nick is swear if you don't—"
"—get off!"
"don't interrupt me"
"fuck you!"

the air was hostile whilst nick had managed to gain more control over his brothers and lying across them diagonally. all could be heard was the loud chuckles and complaints underneath the eldest triplet.

though that quickly changed once the front door creaked open, rushed footsteps slapping against the ground. making the boys head snap up, their movements freezing as soon as they saw delilah

the very first night, ᶜʰʳⁱˢ ˢᵗᵘʳⁿⁱᵒˡᵒWhere stories live. Discover now