1|| Secrets & Lies

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"Somewhere in the haze, got a sense I've been betrayed"                                                                                       -Taylor Swift

I should be asleep but I'm not

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I should be asleep but I'm not. 

I lay awake restless in bed at 1am with my headphones on, blasting Taylor Swift, desperate to keep my tired eyes awake. I need to make sure my Mum gets home safely before I let myself sleep, that's what I always do when she goes out, which is pretty rare anyways, but besides the point.

It's always been just Mum and me for as long as I can remember. We do everything together. Ever since my Dad walked out when I was 6, me and my Mum were our 'own little team' is what she likes to call it. 

After that dick of a father left she always told me that she was never going to date anyone else ever again and that men were a waste of time and the thing is I believe her. I've seen what my Dad leaving did to her, us. He walked out and left when things got hard, he gave up, he didn't even try to fix things with Mum, he didn't even get to watch his daughter grow up for god sakes he just threw it all away! And for what? I ask myself that alot. 

He had a family that loved him and needed him and he still left, like it was nothing, why couldn't he have just apologized! Then everything would've been okay. I don't even know what the stupid fight was about anyways, I was only 6, mum just said that he was an asshole. 

I still wonder if I did or said something wrong or was too clingy and annoying, that he just couldn't take it anymore and that's why he left. 

That's why Mum continues to tell me that I'm amazing and that I'm worth it and that she'll never stop trying and never walk out on me like he did. and just like that I didn't need him anymore. Sure I missed him, I still do sometimes, but Mum has tried so hard to do everything she can for me and I'm forever grateful. I knew it hurt her, It still does but she never shows it. Whenever I walk in the room her face lights up with a giant smile and it makes me feel at ease and believe that everything truly is okay and always will be as long as we have each other. 

That's why I continue to stay awake, because if anything happened to her I couldn't live with myself.

"I'm hungry!" I said out loud, even though I'm home alone, I speak to myself. 

It's just past 1:15am and there's still no sign of her, so I forced myself out of my bed and tiptoed down the hall and into the small kitchen. Again I don't know why I tip toed- no one's home but I guess it just adds to the being sneaky effect. 

I loved feeling like a spy. We live in a tiny two bedroom apartment since there are only 2 of us and we couldn't afford much else anyway, but we still made it as cozy as possible. Once I made my way into the kitchen I searched the cupboards until I found a box of kd mac and cheese. 

Yes it may be 1am but it's never too late for mac and cheese and besides I forgot to eat dinner earlier- I was too busy binging Gilmore Girls for like the fifth time! I guess you could say I really was a 'basic white girl'.  As I cooked my mac and cheese on the stove I sang my heart out to Don't Blame Me.


I honestly feel bad for my neighbors, I mean we live in an apartment and sound travels fast especially my shit singing.

 I used the spoon I was stirring with as a microphone and continued to sing and dance my heart out to T swizzle. It would look pretty hilarious if anyone saw me and I had my noise canceling headphones on too, so I didn't actually know how bad I sounded and could hardly hear myself.


ehh screw them haters I probably sounded amazing. Once the masterpiece finished I poured the mac n cheese into a bowl and headed back to my room to watch Brooklyn 99 to keep myself awake and to have a good laugh. After a couple great episodes it was now almost 3 in the morning. 

Where the hell was she? She never stayed out this late. 

Ughhh I should've just listened to her when she told me to just go to sleep. Then at least I wouldn't be up worrying. But I promised myself that once I heard the sound of her voice I would allow myself to rest and probably be asleep for the whole day tomorrow...

Maybe I'll just take a 1 minute power nap every so often? So that I can rest my eyes. 

Wow genius Millie! You're so smart. 

I put my empty bowl on the floor beside my bed, put my headphones so they hung around my neck and rested my head on the pillow. 

Only 1 minute Amelie! I have to remind myself. 

As soon as my head hit the pillow, my mind went into the dreamless oblivion and I forgot about everything, including my 1 minute rule. 

Suddenly my eyes snapped open when I heard keys fiddling in the front door. I rubbed my eyes and sat up. I just needed to make sure it was her first before I could relax. I strained my ears to listen to find a voice.

"Shhh Charless, you'll wake up Millie!" a woman slurred and giggled.

Holy shit that was my mother.

Was she drunk? She never drank what was happening?!

Maybe I was dreaming. Then I almost kicked myself for focusing on the wrong part of her sentence.

Charles? Who the fuck was Charles??

"Don't worry baby, I'm sure she's already asleep, it's 4am" The man, who I suppose is Charles said.

4AM!! Woah Millie great job you really let your '1 minute' power nap into a 1 hour power nap, I rolled my eyes at myself. 

Wait.. did he just call my Mum baby??

I think I was gonna vomit. Now I can mentally rule out the friend option. Unless he said something else? I needed to know for sure.

I crept out of bed silently- this time I really was a ninja. I quietly poked my head out of my bedroom door to see a tall guy at the end of the hall with my Mum in his arms. And then they kissed. I shut the door to my bedroom quietly after they had already entered her room at the end of the hall, because 4am is not the time to cause a scene, even I knew that.

And I let it properly sink in. oh my god my Mum, who said men were a waste of time is kissing some guy instead of 'going out with her friends'

What the actual fuck

1200 words! 

First chapter done! what do you think is gonna happen next chapter? <3

tysm for reading! we'll probably add more words as we continue to get into the story but the goal is at least 1000 each chapter!

hope you enjoyed 

eves & izzy xo

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