10|| Don't Cry, Don't Cry, Don't Cry

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another chapter! *gasp* this is a good one!


After a 15 minute car ride of singing my heart out and pissing off Cooper, we arrived at the mall

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After a 15 minute car ride of singing my heart out and pissing off Cooper, we arrived at the mall. It was a really big one, indoor and outdoor I assumed. I looked around as we pulled into a parking space, it was barely 10am so it wasn't too busy yet. Or so I thought. We stepped out of the car and walked towards the mall and it was already crowded. People were everywhere. My eyes couldn't even focus on a single person before I lost sight of them. God I hated busy places, it made me way too anxious about getting lost, especially with this new family. I started to fidget with my rings again, just a habit. So I wouldn't lose my mind. Cooper then put his hand on my shoulder, making me jump.

He laughed, "So, where do you want to go first? We can pick up your uniform on the way back." Ugh uniforms I forgot about that. At least every Friday we could wear whatever clothes we wanted. That was the only good thing about this school so far.

"Is there a Brandy here?" I asked. It was easily my favourite store ever. I loved all the basic items and matching them up, it was so cute.

"A what?" Cooper questioned.

"Brandy Melville, it's a clothing store. " I stated, then realized that was kinda rude, oh well too late now.

"Well I got that, I've just never heard of it before smart ass." Cooper pulled out his phone from his baggy jean pocket. "Let me look."

"Yup there is." he said after a couple minutes. My face began to light up. I didn't dare leave Cooper's side. I couldn't afford to get lost.

Once we got to Brandy, Cooper told me to go crazy. So what does a teenage girl do when she is given that opportunity? Take it before he takes it back and go crazy of course!

And I did. I got 1 pair of cute dark gray cargos, a couple baby tees, more tank tops (to sleep in too!), a knit oversized sweater, some oversized tees, 2 pairs of sweatpants, some more hearts and other cute socks because you can never have too many, a lot of jewelry and of course the free stickers!!

After we'd finished brandy we went to Aritzia to get some long sleeves and hoodies. We also went to a few other stores like Lululemon to get a few running things because I planned to pick that up again soon. I was so tired after all the shopping but Cooper told me I needed new shoes after looking at my converse. I quite liked them but I agreed and picked out some new balance 550s and I was obsessed.

It was almost 3 in the afternoon by the time we finished and exited the mall. I was exhausted. I really wanted to just go back and sleep.

"You tired baby?" Cooper laughed at his own joke from earlier. I rolled my eyes and was about to say no when I suddenly yawned.

"Here I'll take your bags for you."

"It's okay I can carry them!" I smiled. 

Millie why do you have to be such a stubborn ass?

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