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I heard my blaring alarm in my ear and I bolted awake

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I heard my blaring alarm in my ear and I bolted awake. I grabbed my phone from the bedside table and tapped stop on the homescreen so the obnoxious noise wouldn't give me a headache.

I threw back the covers and made my way to the bathroom on the other side of my room. When I looked in the mirror I realized I was still in Ben's hoodie from last night. It was comfy but he couldn't see me wearing it or he'd take it back so I quickly took it off and had a nice quick shower to wake me up and then did my skin care.

I changed into a pair of baggy jeans, a gray hoodie and slipped on my black beat up converse high tops. I also paired it with gold jewelry just to make me look a little less gross, but honestly this was just my style.

I then started to hum style by Taylor Swift because anytime anyone else or I said a word from a TS song I would start singing it automatically. It was a problem.

I then did some light makeup: some mascara, concealer and lip gloss and ran a brush through my long brown hair and decided I looked remotely presentable and made my way down into the kitchen. And no I didn't care how the boys saw me really but Cooper was taking me to the mall for before school shopping since school was tomorrow and I didn't want to look dead so...

It was around 9am and Cooper told me we were leaving at 10. I did not want to be late, I didn't know Cooper well but I knew that I didn't want to fuck up. Ben wasn't coming with us because he had a soccer game and everyone else already did their shopping last week apparently.

Today was officially the last day of summer break so I was kinda leaving it last minute, oh well.

I skipped down the stairs and found my way to the kitchen after a couple wrong turns but I was proud of myself, quicker than yesterday!!

I walked into the kitchen to see it pretty much empty except for Evan and Blake, I guess everyone else slept in, including Ben. He didn't have soccer until 10:30, but I hope he slept well after last night.

"Morning Amelie. How did you sleep?" Evan smiled as I entered the kitchen and sat down beside him. Blake raised his head from his phone for a second and then got up and left.

It bothered me a bit, but I plastered a smile on my face for Evan. What was I doing wrong?

Evan let out a long sigh as Blake left. I just ate the delicious waffles in front of me.

"Morning, I slept, great thanks!" Mostly. About an hour after Ben brought me to my room, I was up tossing and turning and thinking. My brain just never shut up and kept bringing in thoughts I didn't want.

"That's good, you excited to go shopping with Cooper?"

I nodded excessively. I loved shopping, I didn't shop much with Mum. It was only necessities really, since we'd spend the money on more important things, but when we did shop it was so fun.

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