heart shake (bend and break)

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"I'm shocked you're not with Potter."

Regulus turns around to see Evan walking up to him, pulling out the chair beside him and sitting in it, leaning over Regulus' shoulder to look at what he's writing. Regulus raises an eyebrow at him, then shakes his head and looks back to his parchment, a quiet disappointed sigh leaving his lips.

"He went on a date," Regulus informs Evan, almost bitterly.


or: regulus is in love with his best friend, james, who is unbelievably clueless.


"I'm shocked you're not with Potter."

Regulus turns around to see Evan walking up to him, pulling out the chair beside him and sitting in it, leaning over Regulus' shoulder to look at what he's writing. Regulus raises an eyebrow at him, then shakes his head and looks back to his parchment, a quiet disappointed sigh leaving his lips.

"He went on a date," Regulus informs Evan, almost bitterly. He doesn't mean to sound bitter. Really . He's glad that James is going on a date; he's glad that James wants to put himself out there because he knows how hard it is for him to talk to new people with his anxiety.

But that doesn't mean there won't be a bad taste in his mouth at the thought of James being all over somebody else instead of being all over Regulus . It's just that he's used tofeeling James touching him, holding him, trying to kiss him on the cheeks, hands underneath his shirt, legs on his lap. While James is mostly touch adverse to most people, he likes to touch the people he loves, and Regulus just so happens to be one of those people.

Evan hums quietly, wrapping an arm around Regulus' shoulders and knocking their heads together affectionately. Regulus doesn't say anything, but he leans into the touch, relaxing against him. "So I'm assuming that you haven't told him that you fancy him, then?" Evan wonders aloud, pressing a kiss to the side of Regulus' head.

With a snort, Regulus shakes his head. "I really don't want to," Regulus reminds Evan, raising one eyebrow at him in an attempt to remind Evan what happened last time he tried to tell James that he had feelings for him.

"Well," Evan mumbles, then rests his chin on Regulus' shoulder. "You didn't exactly tell him last time. You hinted at it and he didn't realize you were confessing. That is on you , mate," Evan notes, his chin moving on Regulus' shoulder and making him wince a bit at the sharp bone.

The truth is, Regulus is aware that he's not being the clearest that he could possibly be about his feelings. He knows . Regulus tells James that he finds him pretty and that he liked it when James wore his clothes. There's not a day that goes by where Regulus doesn't ask James to tell him every detail of his day. He listens to James talk, watches the way the words curl on his lips and he swears he can feel the way they drop from his tongue.

It's just that James is so entrancing . It's hard for Regulus to not want to watch his every move, really. Looking at James is, hands down, Regulus' favorite pastime. It's a shame that he chooses to date all of these people who take his beauty and his heart for granted.

But he doesn't want to talk about it right now. If he does, it might just upset him, and he really has to do his work. So he looks at Evan and sighs, then he just shakes his head and waves his wand to gather his things. "I'm going to go to the dorms. I've got to finish this essay for McGonagall and get started on my potions homework. Do you want to come with?" He offers, raising his eyebrow at Evan as he stands up.

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