every little thing

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James and Lily go to Cornwall on an exes weekend getaway.


You're the perfect storm

And I wanna hear the rain

You're my favourite nightmare

And for one I'm not scared

You made a good impression

You make me wanna question

Every little thing



"You told your mother?"

James simply shrugs. "You know I tell her everything."

"And what did she say?"

"That we're going to fall in love."

Lily raises an eyebrow. "Well, yeah, isn't that the idea? Enjoy our weekend in the countryside, find a nice guy for you and a cute girl for me."

He gives her a look. "I'm pretty sure she meant with each other. Me and you."

"Oh." a pause. "Yeah, no thank you. I don't make the same mistake twice."

He snorts. "Thanks."

She playfully hits his arm. "You know what I mean."

He smiles because he does. Lily was James' first girlfriend and he will cherish the short time they were together until the day he dies.

Things didn't work out. Sometimes love is not enough to keep a relationship alive and that's okay.

Their friends often comment on their odd friendship. Remus and Sirius in particular were sceptical about their weekend getaway to Cornwall, having seen first hand the mess they both were when they broke up.

But that is all in the past.

Now they are walking the beautiful cobbled streets of Truro, admiring the architecture and enjoying the sunset with an overpriced iced coffee on one hand and a portion of hevva cake on the other.

Life couldn't be better.

Except it could.

James sees it in every couple that walks by. Stolen glances, whispered secrets, reassuring touches. He misses that. He yearns for it. To love and be loved.

Not that he isn't loved. He knows he is loved by his parents and his friends. But he is a hopeless romantic at heart. He believes in soulmates and crossed star lovers. But in all honesty he is starting to think he will never find his person. At least not in this life.

Since he and Lily broke up his dating life has been a complete mess, not that it wasn't already one before her.

Lily was James first girlfriend but not his first partner. Before her he had two boyfriends. He broke up with his first boyfriend, Frank, right after the latter started college. James still had one highschool year ahead of him and he didn't want to tie Frank down to him.

His second relationship has been his longest one so far, it lasted almost his entire four college years. James doesn't like talking about Gideon. They were wrong for each other. They hurt each other in irreparable ways.

A couple years later, fresh out of the worst situationship of his life, came Lily. He hasn't had a real relationship since then. He dates around and has had a couple of situationships but nothing that lasts.

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