Mr Loverman

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Sometimes things don't work out. Other times, they do.
2 relationships that met their end and 1 that managed to survive.


I'm Mr Loverman, and I miss my lover, man.

James glanced at Regulus, who was sitting at the Slytherin Table in the Great Hall. He looked paler than usual and a tiny bit sad. What was the love of his life so sad about? "He probably got a stupid letter from stupid Walburga," James thought bitterly. "It's a great idea! Tell them, James!" Sirius screeched, pulling him back into reality. "Huh? Oh, yea. It's a great idea! We should do it," James agreed. The best way to soothe Sirius and to prevent your ears from getting ripped off by his lectures on why it's always best to listen to him was to just agree with what he had previously said. "Oh, boy," Remus sighed before taking a bite out of his chicken. Peter chuckled. James cast one more look to Regulus before starting up a conversation with Marlene.

A paper swan flew elegantly towards James, making him smile softly. He slowly unfolded it to read the message. It said:

Meet me at the Astronomy Tower


James frowned. Why was Regulus being so formal? Normally he would just sign off as Reg. James knew something was up. "Is he going to break up with me?" James asked worriedly. If he was, there were certainly no signs of it. Or maybe, James was just an oblivious fool. He got that a lot. He wiped his sweaty palms on his trousers and left the Gryffindor Common Room without a word. James sneaked from corridor to corridor, hoping he didn't make any form of noise. Of course, that was impossible for our dear Antler-Boy. He accidentally knocked over a suit of armor, causing it to crash into the cold, hard ground. James flinched at the sound of the metal clanging together. It alerted Filch, who came storming in. "WHO WAS THAT? REVEAL YOURSELF!" he roared. "I SWEAR TO MERLIN, IF IT'S YOU, PEEVES, I WILL MAKE YOU PAY!" Filch threatened. James swerved behind a wall and into a hidden alcove. He held his breath, silently praying that Filch does not find him. Filch scurries past him without a glance. Once James made sure that he was gone, he let out a sigh of relief.

"Fuck! I'm late." James swore under his breath. He hurried up to the Astronomy Tower. There, he saw a familiar dark-haired boy. James grinned. "Hey, Reggie!" James wrapped his arms around his shoulder. Regulus pushed them off. "Now's not the time, James," he said solemnly. James' smile faltered. "What do you mean?" he queried. Regulus took a deep breath before lifting his sleeve. A Dark Mark had been branded on his once naked arm. "I'm so sorry, Jamie. I really am." Regulus teared up. James' eyes widened. "W-what? When?" James asked quietly. "Summer break," Regulus replied. "It- it's okay, Reg. We can fix this. Just come to my house. I'll save you. We'll save you." James cried out desperately. "Can't you see James?! This is unfixable! Nothing, absolutely nothing, can be fixed! I'm sorry, James, but I can't be saved. Not this time," Regulus screamed. "Yes, it can! It can be fixed! You can be saved!" James pleaded. "NO! This is just how it is, James! Can't you see that? I. Have. No. Choice. I'm sure glasses are meant to make you see better!" Regulus gritted out. James' heart shattered into a million pieces right there. Anger coursed through his veins. "EVERYONE HAS A CHOICE REGULUS! YOU'RE JUST TOO MUCH OF A COWARD TO PICK THE RIGHT ONE!" James burst out. Regulus let out a sharp breath. "Don't ever come near me again, Black." James spat out before leaving. Regulus sat there, dropping his head into his hands. He knew that this was the end. Regulus Black knew this was the end and he already missed his lover.

I'm Mr Loverman. Oh, and I miss my lover.


I'm Mr Loverman, and I miss my lover, man.

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