Part 30: Spark

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Content Warning: This chapter contains graphic content.

Angeline stood at Marita's counter, lips pursed in anger as she carved the stems off a bundle of small pink mushrooms. What the hell was he playing at?

To reject her for being human and then feign jealousy? It had been on her mind for days as she continued to avoid him. The fact that he had gotten the better of her made her furious. How could she have given him the upper hand so easily?

"Hello, beautiful."

She mustered a smile as Aster came up beside her and kissed the top of her head.

"You seem... upset," he said.

"I'm fine. I just miss home," she lied. The fact that her first instinct was to lie to him made her feel a twinge of guilt.

"Midelian?" he asked.


"Do you want to talk about it?"

She shook her head. If he found out she'd killed a man, he would tell Mikal and Marita. None of them would ever look at her the same. She turned to him, studying his face.

His tan skin was smooth, and his dark eyes full of kindness. In another life, she thought, maybe they could have been good together. But the darkness in her soul wasn't what he deserved.

He leaned down and kissed her softly. Even with the prickles of his mustache, his lips felt nice against hers. Pleasant, but lacking a spark. There was no flutter in her chest when they kissed.

"You're too good for me," she said, and she meant it.

He frowned at her with a hint of a confused grin. "What are you trying to say?"

"That you deserve... someone better."

"And you think you are the one to make that choice for me, yeah?"

She smiled weakly and looked back down at the counter.

"Who would you choose?" he asked. "Go ahead. Any woman in the world. Who would you prefer me to be with?"

She shrugged. "Flora's nice."

"Floragrine? The spoiled Midelianite who cried because she cannot buy more hair products?"

"What about Evalda?"

"Evalda? She is older more than ten years, and so... boring to talk to."

"She's not that old!" Angeline defended.

"She is forty-six. I am only twenty-four."

"Stars, I thought she was in her thirties."

"An easy life on Midelian does wonders for the skin," he said with a smile.

"Okay. How about Yendra?"

"Niko's mother? She is married, even if she will never see him again."

"So, you only like me because there's no one else?" she teased.

He took her chin in his hand, turning her face toward him. "I like you because there is fire in you. You are unpredictable, and beautiful, and of the billions of women in the stars, you are the only one I have met who makes my heart beat like this," he said, pulling her hand to his chest. His heartbeat was strong and elevated.

She smiled slightly. "I think that's the sweetest thing anyone's ever said to me."

"Yours are the sweetest lips I have ever kissed," he said, touching his lips to hers.

She wondered if kissing her made him feel the way she had when she kissed Shay. The thought made her heart twist in her chest. Why couldn't she feel the same way for him? On paper, he was perfect. She should've been madly in love with him.

Maybe she was doing something wrong, she thought. Maybe something else could trigger it. She pulled him closer and kissed him deeply, running her fingers through his hair. His hands went to her hips and he nudged her against him.

It wasn't enough. It still felt... empty. There had to be some way to cause a spark.

She grabbed onto his shoulders and boosted herself up onto an empty spot of countertop, lifting her legs around his waist.

"You are going to get us in trouble," he said with a chuckle.

"So?" she asked. She took his hand and pushed his fingers down the front of her pants, tilting her hips toward him to make it easier. His lips met her neck as he prodded against her skin, and she winced.

"Are you sure?" he asked, leaning back to meet her eyes with a concerned look.

"Yeah," she said, nodding. "Sorry, um... it just takes a minute." It was an excuse, but he seemed to buy it. She pulled his hand up and took his middle and ring finger into her mouth until her lips met his knuckles to wet them.

He raised a brow at her as he reached back down and gently pushed both of them inside her. She gasped at the sensation, but it still wasn't what she was hoping for.

Her eyes fell closed and she grabbed onto his shoulders. She couldn't deny that what he was doing felt good. Enough to make her breath stutter, even — but not her heart. With her eyes shut, she could almost imagine he was—

The door thunked as it began to open and he jerked away from her, holding his hand behind his back as she quickly slid off the counter and fixed her pants.

Marita stepped in, holding a small basket. "The tree at Yendra's house is overflowing with... whatever these are," she said, holding up a round green fruit from the basket.

Angeline took one and examined it. It had smooth skin like a plum, but it was entirely green. "I think Shay called this a Zumtaya," she said. She took a bite, cautiously tasting its sweet flavor. It was brimming with juice.

"I should get home," said Aster. He turned to Angeline as she took another bite. "May I come see you tonight? After dinner?"

The thought occurred to her that he would likely want to continue what she'd started. Part of her wasn't thrilled about it, but she had to know for her own peace of mind if the intimacy would spark something.

She nodded. He smiled and kissed her forehead before he left.

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