Chapter 5: No further questions, your honor

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"Good night, Miss Edwina."

"Good night, Your Royal Highness."

Carl watches Miss Edwina Sharma as she enters her room. When she closes the door he takes a deep breath, peers over his shoulder and goes straight back down the stairs he just went up. 

He feels a little guilty after not telling Miss Edwina this morning where Friedrich went. Well, he doesn't know it for sure, it is just an idea and now he has time to check his assumptions. The day was surprisingly fun: After lunch with the returned Friedrich they spent the afternoon in the garden, chatting about God and the world and playing a few rounds pall-mall. Lady Blithisfield had a wonderful time commenting their game with her iconic sense of irony. 

"Where is my dear Prince Carl going to such a late hour?"

Carl is startled when Lady Blithisfield appears out of nowhere at the foot of the stairs. He smiles amused as he reaches her.

"Lady Blithisfield, you're still awake?"

"Do I look like an old lady who needs to retire straight after sun has gone down?" She raises her eyebrows.

"I would never dare even think about something like that. " Carl grins.

"Outrageous." In mock anger, the elderly lady hits his forearm with her fan.

"Didn't you want to take Miss Edwina with you, Carl?" She changes the subject.

"Where to?"

"Ah, don't make a fool of me! I am quite aware when people leave my house."

"Of course you do." He smiles.

"I bet you want to see your brother. It is so sad he left us for dinner. I wonder why ..." Her piercing gaze reveals that she probably has at least an idea why. An idea that probably comes close to his premonitions. 

"I guess he's somewhere at the village. It won't be difficult to find him. But I didn't want to bother our guest with that issue", he tries to explain without explaing to much.

"Of course you don't. Well then ... Good luck. And have fun."

"Always." He laughs, kisses the hand she holds out to him and then strolls outside at la leisurely pace, being well aware that she's watching him. 

Some minutes later he's walking down the street towards the village's centre. It's already dark and he only occasionally meets people who are still outside their houses at his warm summer night. 

He knows where he has to go. He crosses the street as he reaches the property he was looking for. A small, fine house that you don't even guess the noble guest it is hosting. Only the light in the windows and the occasional laugh show that the night's peace has not yet returned here.

Carl knocks on the door. 

A servant opens. "Your Royal Highness."

He enters and walks the stairs up to the upper floor. In the small but very tastefully furnished lounge, a few people are sitting and standing witch champagne glasses in their hands. He already knows most of them. 

"Carl, what a pleasure!" The first one sees him. "Come, get a drink and join us. We didn't think you would come after Friedrich showed up alone."

"Thanks, my friend."

He takes the glass with the sparkling drink a servant offers him and joins a group of people standing at the window. He sips it. He can never say no to a good friend. Sometimes he fears his stepfather - or rather former stepfather - brought a bad note into his life in this aspect. 

"So, Carl, we heard a new lady is in the village?", the man from before asks him.

"Really? I hope she's not the reason you are late." A young earl's daughter with whom he was dancing a few nights before bats her long eyelashes. 

"No worry about that." He laughs. He had already planned to stop by later that evening anway. Even before he decided to take a closer look at what his brother is up to. Speaking of ...

"Do you know where my brother is?"

"Mhm, no, I'm sorry. I haven't seen him for a while."

"Maybe he's in the garden", the lady assumes. "Why do you ask?"

"Oh, it's nothing. You'll excuse me?" He smiles briefly and then sets off into the garden. Carl can already imagine what his brother is doing there. Or rather with whom. Because he can't see the person in question either. 

Back on the ground floor, he leaves the house but remains in the shadow of a wall. He peeks around the corner and sees his brother.

Friedrich is sitting on a garden bench, with the young lady next to him.

It seems he was right in his assumptions. No further questions ... and exactly what the thought. Carl grins. Their hands clasped together, that's the only closeness that can be seen between these two. Friedrich would never think of harming a lady's honor in any possible way. He is truly a gentleman. 

Carl can't help but smile as he watches them there. He's happy for his brother after the stories he told him that happened a year ago at London's ball season. His mother would be delighted too. More than delighted. Friedrich definitely got the most desired person of the British Empire. Luck is rare but when you find it, you should try to hold it.

He turns around and reenters the house. Nonthereless ... He feels a little bit sorry for Miss Edwina. Apart from the wishes of his aunt The Queen which seem unlikely to be fulfilled, he has the feeling that she enjoyed the company of his brother. It is really unpleasant when you are sent to a man with a very specific intention and then you want to familiarize yourself with this situation without knowing that the efforts are in vain. 

Well ... He is sure that Friedrich would tell Miss Edwina soon about his feelings. He's a sincere character. Carl is sure that Miss Edwina would be fine with it. Sometimes it happens that you aren't the first choice. Once in a lifetime - and then the sun will return. 

He grins. The sun wouldn't return tonight soon, so he should use his time and get another drink.

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