Chapter 5

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The sun had barely risen by the time Y/n woke up from his sleep. It was probably just a few minutes past 6, he guessed, so he had plenty of time to prepare for today. He wasn't a morning person, but starting a day early never hurt anyone before.

So, as much as he wanted to go back to sleep, he sat up from his comfortable bed and rubbed the sleep away from his eyes. A yawn made its way out of him, still feeling groggy from just waking up.

He silently sat there, staring off into the dark corner of his room, where a small pile of clothes rested. I have to clean those soon, he made a mental note for himself. His eyes moved to the open closet to the opposite wall of the pile, and the number of casual clothes left- or lack thereof -concerned him. Yeah, I have to.

It seemed like that soon was today.

He silently stood up from his bed and streamlined for the dirty garments on the floor, crouching down to pick them up one by one into the basket that was beside them. A few underwears, a jacket, two pairs of pants, three shirts, his home- Oh, homework.

So that's where he put his homework.

It would've been great if I found it last week, he groaned internally as he laid it beside him before picking up his clothes again. He remembered his science class the week before; Ms. Shima wasn't amused when he couldn't show anything for her assigned work.

After gathering everything, he stood up and left his room to put the clothing in the laundry. The hardwood floor made him shiver whenever his feet made contact with it, so he tried finding his slippers, which were weirdly missing. Normally, he'd see the fish-designed slippers right outside his door, but he couldn't see them anywhere.

Life was cruel, forcing him to walk barefoot like that through the whole house just to get to the laundry room. When he finally got there, he wasn't in the mood to do some washing anymore, so he left the basket of clothes on the floor. If only his fishy friends were here, then he'd be fine with doing a chore so early in the morning.

Seeing as he had nothing else to do, and it was way too early to take a bath, he went to the living room and sank into the sofa. He would've stayed asleep had he known that he would only get lazy right after waking up.

There were a few hours left before he had to leave the house, too. Mizuki left a message at 1 AM in their group chat to meet at the Starbucks at 10 near her place, so it was safe to assume that she was still asleep. Jack would probably be awake by now, but knowing how that guy loved working out and meditating in the morning, he probably couldn't even bother him over text.

And then, the best idea hit him.

"Yeah, that'll do," Y/n grinned, heading back towards his room.




"So, I must be going blind or something, but I still can't see Y/n anywhere."

Mizuki used a hand to support her head on the table while boredly looking out the window. Jack silently sipped on his caramel macchiato, the best Starbucks had to offer, in his opinion, as he side-eyed the girl sitting beside him.

"Be patient, Mizuki," he put the coffee down on the table, "He probably got caught on something."

"Tsk, caught on something?" Mizuki scoffed, rolling her eyes, "He's probably just jacking off or some shit."

"... What the hell?" Jack cringed away from her when she said that. "That's too out of pocket. Don't you think of what you want to say before saying it?"

Mizuki only gave him a blank face before shrugging and returning to staring aimlessly out the window. She had already finished her strawberry frappuccino fifteen minutes ago, and she didn't want to waste her phone battery to record their deep dive into the hospital later. So, that was how she found herself drawing a few less-than-family-friendly things on the glass pane.

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