Chapter 9

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"Would you like to join Jujutsu High?" Gojo asked.


"I'm sorry if it's sudden, and it may not be the best time to ask, but," Gojo said after leaning forward, interlocking his hands together, "consider my offer. We can teach you to fight curses better there."

A deafening silence enveloped the room after Gojo finished speaking. He stayed silent while waiting for Y/n's answer, but the teen had a completely different reason for doing so.

Jujutsu High? Curses? What's this guy talking about? Y/n wondered, staring at the older man intently.

Come to think of it, he did recall Gojo briefly mentioning a school back at the cafe while talking to Sadamori. But for him to ask him right after being the bearer of bad news... Well, he found it distasteful, to say the least.

Nevertheless, he shoved aside his feelings and probed for more information, "I'm sorry, but can you fill me in first? I can't just blindly accept something like that. What's Jujutsu High? What's a curse?"

Y/n would be lying if he said he wasn't the least bit interested in what Gojo had to say.

"Oh, right," Gojo stood up, putting the chair back under the bedside table. He put a finger up and began to speak. "I should probably start from the top."

"I'm sure you've heard of people seeing angels, demons, or something along those lines, right?" Gojo spoke. Y/n nodded so he continued, "But, more often than not, they usually boil down to one thing— cursed spirits. Are you following me?"

"Eh, so far," Y/n answered.

"Great! Now, curses are the manifestation of humanity's negative emotions," Gojo said, keeping up his smile, unnerving the teen.

"Eh?" Y/n said, tilting his head to the side, "Wouldn't that mean they're everywhere in the world? Could someone get sad right now, and one would just poof into existence?"

"Hmm, not quite," Gojo replied, cupping his chin, "It's a bit more complex since they aren't created from negative emotions but by cursed energy. Though, it's more nuanced than that."

"... Huh?" Y/n wondered aloud, "You're confusing me."

"Cursed energy is what creates curses."


Gojo crossed his arms and explained, "Think of it this way— Imagine a lamp. You use it for the sole purpose of lighting up a room, but, in doing so, you're also indirectly generating heat from it."

"How does that explain it?"

"Think of the lamp as humans' negative emotions," Gojo smirked, "and the heat it produces as the cursed energy."

"Then... it's a by-product, so to speak?" Y/n more so guessed than answered.


"But how does that explain how they are created?" Y/n asked.

"Imagine that lamp again," Gojo said, gesturing at Y/n to close his eyes, which he did, "Picture yourself inside a room with it. Now, a single one wouldn't change the temperature, but what if there's a hundred of them, or even a thousand?"

"Well... it'd get pretty hot, I'm guessing?" Y/n asked with his eyes closed, imagining it as best as he could. Gojo found his scrunched-up face hilarious but prevented himself from chuckling.

"Curses function the same way. One person wouldn't really be able to make a difference, but the accumulation of hundreds and thousands of people's negative emotions births them," Gojo said. "That's the simplest way of understanding it."

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