Chapter 8

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Sorry for disappearing- Got busy academically.

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"Y/n, Jack! Get your slow asses over here already!" Mizuki yelled out to the males lagging behind her while cupping her hands around her mouth, "A snail could beat you in a race at the pace you're going."

"Can't you wait for a second?" Rubbing his eyes as he walked, Y/n shouted back, "It's 7 in the God damn morning. How does she have that much energy?"

"Not much of a morning person?" Jack asked the taller teen to his left, sipping coffee from a nearby Starbucks he had visited earlier.

"You should know that by now," Y/n yawned, harshly rubbing the back of his head, "Man, I just want to sleep more."

"Then you should sleep earlier," Jack suggested, glancing at Mizuki from afar. "You chatted me at 3 when you knew we were going somewhere at 7, so it's entirely on you."

"Can you blame me? Playing at night and reading manga hits differently," Y/n shrugged. He then noticed how restless Mizuki was starting to get as she leaned against a decrepit building wall, making him point at her and say, "Anyways, she looks pissed."

Jack turned his head to look at where Y/n pointed, and he picked up his pace once he saw Mizuki start scowling at them. Y/n didn't think much of it, though, as he continued to walk at a snail's pace while yawning. By the time Jack reached Mizuki, Y/n was still half a block away from them.

On the way to the two, Y/n stopped walking to pick up a rock found on the sidewalk. It's round and shiny, he thought, observing the stone. Nice.

Feeling satisfied by his find, Y/n smiled and began to toss the rock up and down in his hand as he resumed walking slowly. He continued tossing the rock as he reached where Mizuki was, and the latter suddenly grabbed the rock when it was mid-air by jumping.

Y/n raised an eyebrow, asking as he observed the frown on Mizuki's face, "What was that for?" He wasn't sure why she did that, making the then-brunette scoff.

"For being slow, dickhead," Mizuki spoke, lightly throwing the rock back to Y/n as he observed the building beside them, catching it without looking.

"Uhuh," Y/n didn't know how Mizuki's mind worked sometimes. Taking the rock, then returning it—what was the point? "Whatever you say."

"... Why are we here?" Jack finally decided to speak, observing the crumbling building in front of them.

"Do you really need to ask that?" Mizuki grinned, snapping her fingers, "Exploration!"

"... Seriously?" Jack sighed, passing off his coffee to Y/n as the latter asked if he could have it. "This is the fourth time this month."

"Gotta enjoy the time we have left this summer," Mizuki shrugged, flipping her black hair while she began skipping towards an alley, "Anyways, let's go already."

"You're enjoying our summer a little bit too much," Jack pinched the bridge of his nose, watching Mizuki disappear into the alleyway and tugging at Y/n's sleeve. Weirdly enough, Y/n didn't respond, choosing to focus his sights on the upper floors of the rundown structure.

"Are you okay?" Jack lightly tapped the taller male's cheeks, finally gaining his attention.

"Wh-What?" Y/n shook his head, finally snapping out of his stupor.

"You were spacing out," Jack turned his back to him as he began to walk, signaling Y/n to follow, "Let's go. We don't want that brat to get into trouble."

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